You Take Care of Him When He's Sick

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Andy- You woke up early this morning and Andy was still in bed. You got up and went to the bathroom getting ready for the day. You were actually surprised that Andy was still out, usually he was up extremely early before anyone else. You headed back into your bedroom grabbing your phone off the nightstand and turning to walk out of the room. You got to the door and you heard a very loud and scratchy cough causing you to instantly walk back into the room. Andy was sitting up in the bed now still coughing. He seemed to be struggling to stop and actually breathe. You hurried and got him a glass of water and he took it drinking it and then thanking you. You just nodded before going into full mother mode. This was thanks to your younger siblings. You felt his forehead and he was burning up which caused you to instantly worry even more. “I still have to go to film today,” Andy said struggling to get that out. “No, you are staying home. You can hardly talk,” you said. “I can’t,” he said and you could see the pain in his eyes at just trying to even talk. “Then let’s go to the doctors just to make sure everything’s alright,” you said looking at him knowing he’d never agree to it, “If you have no reason to go to the doctor then let’s just go to make sure of it. If you’re fine then you can go but if not you are staying home. If you don’t want to go you’re not leaving this house.” “Fine. I’ll stay but I’m not happy about it,” he said. “You will be in the end. You just stay in bed and I’ll get you what you need. You just rest today,” you said kissing his cheek and walking out to make him something to eat.  

Rye- It was about three o’clock in the morning and you were still up. You were completely worried. Rye had been acting funny before you guys went to bed. He just didn’t seem himself and it was worrying you. Of course you could be over thinking but it just wouldn’t leave your mind. You decided to get up and go get something to drink. You walked out of the room got a drink sitting at the table. You stayed there for about a half hour before walking back into the room. When you got in there you instantly realized Rye was missing. The bathroom light was on which made you slightly relax. He must have just went to the bathroom. You laid back down and waited. He didn’t come out for quite awhile. You got up and knocked on the bathroom door. “Rye? Are you alright?” you asked and he didn’t answer. After a few more seconds of waiting and trying to get another answer you walked in. Rye was leaning over the toilet and he looked terrible. He was extremely pale and he had sweat everywhere. It was obvious that he had been throwing up but as soon as you walked in he tried to move to make it look like he was fine. Which was impossible for him to do without throwing up again. You sat next to him. There wasn’t much else you could do but you promised him that you weren’t going to leave his side.

Brooklyn- Brooklyn had been acting  groggy all day. He wasn’t his normal self at all and as the day went on and on he seemed to get worse. You asked the other boys about it but they just shrugged it off saying he was probably just tired. Eventually you got to the point where you couldn’t handle not know if he was okay or not so you asked him and he just said he was tired. So maybe you were overthinking this. You did tend to do that alot. After a few more hours of working with the boys and helping Alex edit you went to the kitchen having been told that dinner was ready. You sat down at the table looking around for Brook. He was laying down on the couch sleeping. “I’m gonna wake him up,” you said standing up. “Don’t. He said he wasn’t hungry and just wanted to take a nap,” Mikey said and you just nodded slightly sitting back down. The entire time you guys ate you couldn’t stop thinking about Brook. He never missed dinner. You eventually got up leaving your plate of food there and going and sitting next to him. You moved so his head was laying in your lap and as soon as you felt his face you could tell he had a fever. “Brooklyn,” you said quietly shaking him slightly and he didn’t do anything at first. You shook him again and he opened his eyes. “Let’s go upstairs and lay down,” you said and he just nodded getting up. You both went upstairs and laid down. You weren’t going to let him know you knew he was sick because he’d just fake that he wasn’t. You were taking care of him now whether he like it or not.

Mikey- You walked into your shared house with your boyfriend Mikey. Mikey was at the studio at the moment and won’t be home till late. It had constantly been like this. You would go to work before he got up and when you got home he would still be at the studio or filming and he wouldn’t get home till you were asleep. You walked up to your room and were absolutely shocked. Mikey was laying in bed fast asleep. He looked absolutely horrible. He was shaking severely and but still sweating. He was extremely pale. You sighed changing into different clothes quickly. You were putting your work clothes away, when Mikey started coughing. You dropped your clothes and instantly went over to him. He was sitting up now. He had managed to get himself to stop coughing. You got him a drink and he took it taking a drink before setting it down. “Just try to go back to sleep. If you need anything just ask me. I’ll get but you need to rest,” you said and he just nodded before laying back down.

Jack- Jack was laying in bed when I got home. He didn’t seem to act any different then he does any other day. Well that was until he started talking. He seemed really distant and really off. You sat next to him and kissed his cheek. His face was burning up. “You’re sick,” you said and he just shook his head. “Yes you are,” you said. “I-I’m not,” he said and his voice was barely there. He was so quiet now. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to be stuck in bed and not aloud to do anything but you have to. You need to rest to make sure you get better. I’ll make sure you have everything you need but you need to lay down and sleep,” you said. He sighed but nodded closing his

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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