Pregnancy (Before) -Jack

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You and Jack have been together for what seemed like forever now but in reality it has only been about eight months. Today, Jack had gone out to run a few errands. Everything seemed fine when you had been woken up by Jack. He had told you were he was going and what he all had to do and then he kissed you goodbye and left. You had went back to bed, but this time you woke up sick to your stomach. You got up and rushed to the bathroom and threw up. You haven't thrown up in years and now here you were in the bathroom throwing up while being home alone. It was horrible. You quickly texted Brook asking if he could come over and help you. You didn't tell him why or what with, you just asked him to come over and help you. He said he would and it didn't take him long to get there. He texted you when he got there and you told him to just walk in that the door was unlocked. You told him you were in the bathroom in your room and he followed your instructions. By the time he got to the door you were throwing up again. Brooklyn went in and over to your side. Once you were done, you sat up and started crying. Brooklyn pulled you into him. Brooklyn may seem like a giant child but he'd do anything to make sure his friends and family were okay. That's the reason you chose to text him. "What's going on?" he asked you after a while of silence. "I-I don't know. I-I woke up and felt sick. I didn't feel sick when J-Jack left and now I just do and I don't know what's wrong." you said. "Well maybe we should go to the doctors," Brook said. "I-I don't want to. I hate it there," you told him. "You may hate it there but they are the only people who can actually help you. It's best if you go in," he said. You were already shaking your head. "It's either you go in with me or I tell Jack," he said. "No!" you said. "That's what I thought. Now are you ready to go?" he asked. You were still in your pajamas which consisted of one of Jack's shirt and since it was colder, a pair of his sweatpants. "No," you said. "Go get ready. I'll be waiting for you. Just holler or text me if you need me," he said. You nodded and Brooklyn helped you out of the bathroom. Then he left you in your room alone. You sat on your bed for a few minutes before getting up and grabbing clothes. You changed and brushed your hair then threw it up. You then walked out of your room, slipping on a pair of shoes. Brooklyn was sitting on the couch waiting for you. He stood up as soon as he seen you. He grabbed your jacket and handed it to you. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked as you walked out with him. You shook your head. You felt the same as you did earlier. The only difference was that you didn't need to throw up. You sat in Brooklyn's car for what seemed like forever. It was completely silent. You were still a little upset that Brook was making you go to the doctors but at the same time you knew he was trying to help you and you couldn't blame him for that. As you got to the doctors and you were walking in with Brook behind you, you got a text. *Hey, Babe where are you?* Jack had asked. *I had to go run and do a few things. I'm with Brookie so don't worry. We'll be back there soon.* you texted back. Then you sat in the waiting room. The nurse came out and you and Brooklyn walked back. She took your vitals and did all the stuff. Then she walked out and not long after the doctor walked in. The doctor did a few more things and she asked more questions. Then she asked a question that made you and Brooklyn stare at her for a few seconds, "Is there a possibility that you are pregnant?" After a few seconds, Brooklyn's eyes shifted to you. You nodded slowly. You hadn't even thought about it before but now thinking back it was possible. But if it was what were you suppose to do? You've heard Jack talk about kids. You knew he wasn't ready to be a father. As of right now he didn't even want kids. If you were pregnant that could ruin everything between you. The doctor interrupted your thoughts, "We can do an ultrasound to check. That'd help a lot and if you aren't we can roll that out and do the next steps. But if you are then that should solve everything." You nodded. You were moved to a different room. Brooklyn had tried to stay behind but you told him that you needed him with you. Right now Jack wasn't here and he was usually the person you needed. But you were glad he wasn't here. You were holding onto Brooklyn's hand tightly hoping for a no. Hoping to move onto something different, but instead, "Congratulations, you two will be amazing parents," the doctor said. "W-we're not together. She's my sister," Brooklyn said. "Sorry. You guys just seemed really close. I shouldn't have assumed," she said. "It's alright," Brooklyn said. He then turned to you and you were sitting there. Almost frozen. Everything was going by so slowly. You couldn't think straight and the next thing you knew you were crying. Brooklyn pulled you into him and he shushed you and rocked you, just trying to get you to calm down. "H-he doesn't even want children," you stuttered out through your tears. "I know, Y/N. But he also loves you and he's not going to leave you with a child by yourself," Brooklyn said, "Especially if it's his child as well." "You can't be certain about that," you said. "I can. I know he won't leave you. Even if he did try, which he won't, he wouldn't be going anywhere. I wouldn't let him. And I'm sure after telling the boys what's going on they wouldn't be letting him go anywhere either. This is not just your child. This is your and Jack's. He may not be ready for children now, but he has no choice but to be ready now." Brook said. Brook convinced you to leave the room and finally go home after about thirty minutes. You knew Jack was there and you just weren't ready to face him. You arrived to your flat and Brooklyn stayed behind you so you couldn't run off. You opened the door and it didn't take long for you to be pretty much tackled. Jack held onto you tightly and then kissed you, "I missed you babe," he said. You smiled slightly. You looked back at Brook and you could see he was worried. He wanted to tell Jack to be careful but then everything would be rushed in telling Jack and you also knew he wanted to make sure you were able to tell Jack on your own terms. Jack looked between the two of you. "What's going on?" he asked. You looked over at him. You still hadn't let go of him. "Someone answer me. I know something's wrong. What happened?" he asked and you were shaking your head. "Don't tell me it's nothing. I know my girlfriend and I know my best friend. Tell me what's going on," he said. You sighed and looked down. He lifted your head and you couldn't help but let some tears out. "What's wrong babe?" he asked. "I-I'm pregnant," you said. You were a crying mess now. Jack had stepped away from you. He was staring at you in pure shock. You guys haven't been dating for even a month yet and look at this. Brooklyn walked over and put his arm around your shoulder. Anger passed through Jack's face. "Y-you cheated?" he asked, "On me, with my best friend?" he said. He was shaking his head and his hands were in fist. "That's why he was with you. T-That's why he's still here. T-That's why he's standing next to you now. T-That's why..." Jack said and you were shaking your head. "You've got the wrong idea, Jack. She's like my sister," Brooklyn said. "You don't have to keep the act up anymore Brooklyn. I already know. I-I can see it," he said. "Stop! Just stop Jack. I would never cheat on you. Especially with Brooklyn. God, Brooklyn's right, he's like my brother and that's just wrong. I didn't cheat on you. Brooklyn is just being a good friend or brother. Whichever one works better. I didn't feel good so I called him over. I didn't want to worry you. He made me go to the doctors and that's where I found out I was pregnant. With your child," you said crying even more. Jack pretty much pulled you away from Brooklyn. He held you against him and you held onto him tightly. "I-I'm sorry," Jack was saying, "I'm not going anywhere. You have nothing to worry about. I know what I said before but I'm here and I'm not leaving. I love you and this is as much my responsibility as yours. I love you and I will love our child. I will do what I can to be the best I can be for you and the child." he said. You then kissed him. Jack was being the man you needed him to be and you were so thankful for it. You loved him with all your heart and you were so glad you got to keep him.

A/N: So Jack's 1,654 words. I am really proud of how all these turned out. I hope you guys really like these five chapters. They took the longest and are the longest for each person. Please comment which of the boys was your favorite. Thank you again for reading!

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