Pregnancy (Before) -Rye

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You weren't one who got sick very easily, and usually when you got sick, it was horrible. You'd be sick for months possible and you slowly got better. So, whenever you started to feel sick, you went to the doctors just to make sure that you are fine and so you can stop the sickness early. Rye was at the boy's flat, working on some content for the Roadies and you called your friend, asking her if she can pick you up and take you to the doctors. She agreed and within five minutes she was there. That was the plus of living so close to your best friend. You were in your room getting dressed, when you heard the door to your flat open. "Honey, I'm home!" your best friend called through the house. It was an inside joke between you two. It always made you laugh and of course, now that you're with Rye, she does it a lot more. Next thing you know, your room door was being opened and you were pretty much being tackle hugged. "Don't. I'm sick. I don't want you to get sick," you said. "How many times do I have to tell you, I don't care if you are sick with something deadly. You are my sister, if you die from a sickness, I'm going to die from that same sickness. Unless it's not contagious and that with just honestly kill me," she said sitting on your bed. She patted the seat next to you, "Now, tell me your symptoms." You sat next to her shaking your head, "I still need to go to the doctors." "You will, after I diagnose you," she said. "I've been throwing up the past few days. At first I thought it was just the stomach flu and it'd go away in a day but it didn't. I'm in the bathroom most of the morning, not able to eat till later and then the rest of the day I just want to stay in bed, feeling light headed and like crap," you say. "I've come to a conclusion," she started very dramatically, "You are pregnant." She was laughing and of course you were laughing with her. But on the inside you were terrified. You hadn't even thought about that possibility. It was possible. What if it was true? It'd be with someone you loved, but you guys have been dating for only a year. Anything could happen with your relationship. The child would need a family. It doesn't deserve to deal with a broken family. Even if nothing bad happened between you and Rye, what about your family. They were so set on rules. They believed you should only have sex once you are married. They know they can't always keep that one true, but they are really set on not having a family with someone you are not married to. If you do turn out pregnant, they will never forgive you. At least you can't see them ever forgiving you. You stood, with a smile on your face. Your best friend was right beside you. You kept the smile on your face, all the way to the car. But really, inside, the worry was killing you. You were so scared of what could actually happen. You guys got there and went inside. You couldn't stop the nerves from eating you alive now. You couldn't smile while you were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor, hoping it wasn't true. Hoping she was just wrong. "Look, I'm not stupid. Tell me what's wrong," your best friend said turning to you, "You've been silent and off ever since I said.... Oh," she said, everything dawning on her. She knew your family and she knew how set they were on what they believed in. "What are you going to do if it's true?" she asked. "I-I don't know," you said. "I'll kick his ass if he even thinks about leaving," she said. "I'm not worried about him. Not as much anyways," you tell her. "Your parents can't be mad at you for something you didn't mean to happen," she said. "They will," you tell her. "Then they will just have to get over it. You can't fix something like this," she said. She then hugged you tightly. She knew you so well and she seemed to always be able to make you feel better. The nurse walked out and called your name. You went back with her. She took your vitals and asked you several questions. Then she walked out telling you the doctor would be in soon. The doctor came in soon and checked a few more things, asking you the same questions and some different ones. You answered each honestly and the doctor walked around checking a few things. Then he asked, "Is there a chance you could be pregnant?" You looked over at your best friend and she nodded. You took a deep breath and hesitated before answering yes. He said he could do an ultrasound to make sure. You nodded. He moved you to a different room with the machine and he walked out have to talk to the nurse. You best friend stood next to you, "No matter what I'm here for you. You don't have to do this alone for you. If things go really bad and Rye does decide to leave, then I'll kill him and dispose of his body somewhere no one can find him. Then I'll move in with you and help you," she said. "Is that suppose to help?" you asked her. "Just a little," she said with a smile. "Rye's not leaving. I've seen the way he is around you. He loves you and he's not going anywhere. You have nothing to worry about," she said. You smiled slightly and then the doctor walked in. He took the ultrasound. "Congratulations," he said and your heart sunk. Your grip on your best friends hand grew tighter and you didn't hear anything else that he said to you. You already knew. Next thing you know your at home with your best friend next to you on the couch. "Everything is going to be alright," she was saying, "You have nothing to worry about." You started crying and you just grabbed onto her. She hugged you tightly. She knew how worried you are but you also knew she was one of the only people you could trust fully. She wasn't going anywhere and you loved that about her. You guys had made a promise when you were five and neither of you have ever broken it. No matter what, you guys would always be best friends, you would always take care of each other, no matter what happened. Those words meant everything to you. Then the door opened to the flat, "Y/N, what's wrong? What happened?" a worried voice filled the room. Next thing you know, you are being pulled away from your best friend and you are in the arms of the man you loved. "What's going on?" he asked again. You didn't answer him. You just buried you face into him chest. You'd tell him soon. After you calmed down but right now you couldn't even say the truth. You didn't want to believe it. Rye look at your best friend for an answer but she shook her head. She then stood up and walked over to you. She pulled you away from Rye and hugged you tightly. "Will you be okay alone?" she whispered in your ear. You nodded. "Or would you rather me stay?" she asked. "N-no. You c-can go," you said to her. She nodded and told you that'd she call you soon. You nodded and she left. You got pulled back into Rye, who then sat on the couch. You just kept your face hidden and buried into his chest crying. He held onto you tightly, refusing to let you go. He rubbed your back too, just trying to find a way to comfort you. Finally you were able to calm down and you just laid there for a few more minutes. Finally you lifted your head. He grabbed your face, wiping the tears off with his thumbs. "What's wrong, love?" he asked. "I-I'm pregnant," you blurted out, without thinking of any other way of saying it. He froze. Tears started falling down your cheeks again. "I-I..." you start but you get pulled into a hug. "Everything will be alright," he said holding you closely, "We'll get through all this together. We'll figure everything out," Rye said. "M-my parents," you said through your tears. "They'll get over it. They might be mad in the beginning but you are an adult. They can not control you. They will realize that and everything will be okay. Everything will be fine," he said. You nodded. You trusted him and he wasn't the only one who had told you something like that. You just hoped they were both right. "I love you so much," Rye said kiss the top of your head holding you closely. With everything that was going on, all the thoughts of what could possibly happen, you smiled. You knew that no matter what, you'd always have Rye by your side. You parents will have to learn to forgive you. For now, you had Rye and you had your best friend and all the boys behind Rye to support you guys. You knew you'd get through this, no matter how hard it got. "I love you too, Ryan," you said looking up at him and kissing him.

A/N: Rye's is 1,603 words! 

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