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Andy- You were sitting in your shared room with Andy, crying. You had your knees up to your chest and you could barley breathe. Your phone lay on the floor, the picture still up. You still couldn't believe it but that would explain why he's been gone so much. You thought it was for filming or recording or even just hanging with the boys but no, it was because he was with her. One of your friends had caught them kissing in the park. It was just them. He was cheating on you and there was nothing else to it. All the sudden your phone started going off. You knew it was Andy calling to tell you he was on his way home but you couldn't pick it up. You knew he'd get home soon and you'd have to face him. You'd have to leave. You couldn't stay here. You couldn't stay with a man who didn't love you. Time flew by quickly and you heard the front door open and Andy's voice call through the house for you. You couldn't move. You couldn't say anything. You couldn't stop the tears. You couldn't stop the shaking. And then everything slowed. Andy walked into the room and seen you crying. He sat next to you trying to pull you into his lap asking you what was wrong but you pushed him away. You pointed your chin at you phone. You couldn't tell if he could actually tell what you were doing but he looked down. He then picked up your phone and opened it. The picture was up and his face completely changed. "I-I can explain," he said. "I-I don't care about your excuses!" I yelled my voice really shaky. "I-I just need to leave. I can't be here with you. Not after this." you say. You had texted you friend after she sent the picture that you were leaving him and she said you could stay at her house. You had told her around what time he would be home and she said she wouldn't be over much longer after. And she wasn't. She helped you pack your things and then she helped you leave. 

Rye- Rye had been acting weird for a few weeks now. You didn't really know what to do. One day, he went to go shower and he left his phone on the table. You had no intention of looking through it but then it went off over and over again. You though it was one of the boys needing to get ahold of him maybe needing to meet up or have some other important news for him so you grabbed his phone. As soon as you did, you realized his notifications were hidden from view. You had to open his phone to see them. You knew his password and opened his phone. It was weird, unless he was just hiding it just in case he lost his phone. Once you were in his phone you realized his background was no longer a picture of you, it was a picture of another girl. Your heart broke. You scrolled down and to see the notifications and you couldn't stop the tears from leaving your eyes. The contacts name was listed as Baby Girl and she was blowing up his phone telling him to answer and come see her. She was telling him that she loved him and couldn't wait to see him again. Before you know it you had read a lot of the conversations and your heart was shattered. He had been talking to her for almost two months. They have been "dating" for two weeks now. He was suppose to be with you. The bathroom door opened and you looked up. The tears running down your cheeks. He looked at you then down at his phone in your hand. "What are you doing?" was all he asked. Not what's wrong or I'm sorry. Just what are you doing. "I-I thought the boys were trying to get ahold of you. Y-your phone wouldn't stop going off," you stuttered. Rye went over to his dresser and got dressed before turning back to you and snatching his phone out of your hand. "H-how could you? Y-you said you loved me," you said in a quiet voice. "Maybe I just wasn't ready for something so serious," he said. He wasn't trying to defend himself. He wasn't even denying it. He then pulled a duffel bag from under the bed and threw some of his clothes in it. Then he just left. 

Brooklyn- You had just gotten to the flat. Brook had been here all day and you knew he would have had a very stressful day so you thought to visit him. You walked over to the living room/Mindy room and went to open the door when you stopped, hearing Mikey's voice. You didn't want to eavesdrop but you didn't want to interrupt his conversation. "You need to tell her," Mikey said and it sounded like he was repeating himself. "How am I suppose to tell her that I slept with someone else," Brooklyn's voice said a little louder than normal. You knew he didn't know you were there but Brooklyn couldn't have slept with someone else. "She will understand, you were drunk and you didn't know what you were doing," Mikey said. "I did though. I remember everything perfectly," Brook's voice said a lot quieter. "You still need to talk to her. She deserves to know." Mikey said. "And then she'll leave me," Brook said, "I can't lose her." "You need to talk to her. If you explain you don't know what might happen," Mikey said. "In order to tell her I have to be telling her the full truth. I can't tell her that I remember everything, that I didn't do anything to stop it. I-I can't," Brook said. You left a hand on your shoulder and you jumped turning around quickly. Rye stood there and his smile dropped. He pulled you into a hug and wiped the tears off you cheek that you hadn't even realized were there. The door then opened and you turned, getting out of Rye's grasp and there stood Brooklyn, "Y/N?" he said. "Don't. I've heard enough," you said and turned pushing past Rye and walking out. 

Mikey- "I-I thought you loved me," Mikey said, his voice shaking. He had tears in his eyes and he looked so hurt, so heartbroken. "It was a mistake. I'm sorry Mikey," you said. You had tears in your eyes and you had to fight them back, "I do love you." He was shaking his head, some of the tears had escaped and were falling down his cheek. It broke your heart knowing how much you had hurt him. "Y-you can't say that. Y-you can't say you made the same mistake over and over and over again." You looked down, staring at your feet. You couldn't look him in the eyes. He was right, you had slept with another guy, multiple times. You had no reason. Mikey was perfect and he did nothing wrong and you still broke his heart. Maybe it was because you thought it wasn't going to last so you were ruining it for yourself. But you weren't sure. From what you could think of you had no reason. "I-I can't be here. I can't stay here with you. I-I'm sorry. I-I need to move back in with the boys," Mikey said. You nodded. He walked past you, into your shared room and packed his bag. Once he was done he walked out and stopped at the door. "Good Bye Y/N," he said before walking out. (Sorry for this one. It was going to be one of all the guys cheating but I literally couldn't think of anything for Mikey. So I switched it up a bit. Thank you guys for reading and hope you liked it.)

Jack- Maybe it was just how things were suppose to be. You and him just weren't meant to be. You had found out only minutes ago that Jack was talking to another girl. You wanted to be mad at him. You wanted to scream at him and cry but how could you. You had been talking to another guy for almost a week now. Maybe you both weren't meant for each other. Maybe this is what fate has called for you two. "Jack?" you said quietly looking up at your boyfriend. He looked at you and you could see the tears in his eyes. He had shown you himself. He felt so guilty and that made you feel horrible. You still hadn't told him anything. "I think it's time we broke up. I don't blame you for talking to another girl. Things just aren't the same for us anymore. I loved you with all my heart but I don't know if I feel like that anymore," you said so quietly. You were scared you'd have to repeat it so Jack could actually hear it but he nodded. A tear slowly fell down his face. "You are still my best friend. I don't think anything could change that. Maybe we just weren't ready for a relationship. Maybe we never will be but only time can tell," you said and stood up from your spot on yours and Jack's shared bed. You hugged him tightly and he hugged you. "I love you. I always have. It's just not the way I should love you," Jack said. He kissed you once before grabbing a bag. You helped him pack it. He would move back in with the boys and everything will be fine. You'd still see each other everyday, just as friends. Everything would be fine.

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