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Andy- You were standing by Elvis watching him film the boys during the meet and greet. So many people walked over to the boys and they all seemed so happy. But the more people that walked over there, the more you realized how beautiful the girls were. Compared to them you were nothing. You eventually walked out of the room before the tears started falling. You couldn't let them see you like this. You went into the backroom and sat there letting the tears out. You couldn't help it. Andy walked into the room and he looked worried. "Babe..." he froze at the sight of you and ran over to you. He pulled you into him and held onto you. He must have seen you leave and came to check on you. He just held onto you and didn't say a word. Once you mostly stopped crying, he asked, "What's going on?" "I'm not like any of them. They are so much prettier than me. So much better. You deserve someone better," you said and more tears came out of your eyes. "What are you talking about, you are gorgeous," he said and you were instantly shaking your head. "I don't want anyone else. I only want you. If I wanted someone else why would I be with you? I don't want anyone else. Scratch that, I don't need anyone else. I only need you," he said. You looked up at him and he kissed your forehead, "I love everything about you. I love you and I always will," he said before kissing you.

Rye- You were scrolling through your feeds and you seen a bunch of photos of fans with Rye. You started scrolling through them. Rye looked amazing in every photo... and so did the girls. Each one looked, perfect. How could you compete with that? He wants someone that's perfect not someone who screws up all the time. You had started crying before you knew it. "Babe, I'm ho..." he said walking into the room but froze. He went over to you and took the phone from you thinking someone had called or texted you something bad. He seen the photos and gave you a confused look then it must have dawned on him. "Baby, don't think like that," he said and he sat down next to you pulling you onto his lap, "You are perfect." "No I'm not Rye, look at them. They're the perfect ones," you said. You buried your face into his chest. "Not for me," Rye said, "You're the only one who matches that description. To me you will always be perfect." "I'm not. I never will be," you said. "You can't be completely perfect, but even your imperfections make you more perfect to me," he said. You looked up at him, "Do you really mean it?" "Yes, I mean it with all my heart. I mean everything. I love you and I can't put into words how much I love you," he said and with that you leaned up and kissed him.

Brooklyn- You were sitting in yours and Brook's room. You had told him that you were taking a nap and you told him to stay out but in reality you just couldn't be out there. You were holding back tears. Nothing made sense to you. You couldn't figure it out. How did he love you? Maybe he didn't. Maybe he just felt sorry for you. You couldn't hold back the tears anymore and you started crying. You pulled the blanket over you and just laid there crying. The thoughts only seemed to get worse. I'm so worthless. I don't deserve him. He deserves so much better. Someone pretty, someone smarter, someone just better. You were so distracted and out of it you didn't hear the door open. "Babe?" Brooklyn asked walking into the room. He was instantly by your side. He couldn't see you crying due to the blanket but he could hear you. He sat down next to you. "What's wrong?" he asked. You didn't respond and he then pulled the blanket away from your face. You then refused to look at him. "Look at me," he said and you just shook your head, "Please." You could tell he was worried but still you didn't move so he moved your face so that he could see you. He wiped your tears with his thumbs refusing to let go of your face, "What's wrong?" he asked again. "H-how?" you stuttered out. "How what?" he said confused. "H-how can you keep saying that you love me? W-why do you not just leave me and find someone better. There are so many people that are way better than me," you said. "No, there's not. Maybe in other people's eyes but not in mine. You are perfect and I mean it. You mean the absolute world to me and I love you with all my heart and I always will." "H-how do I know you're not lying," you asked. "Dragging you along, making you believe that I love you is a lot more painful then just saying it. I can't do that. That's not who I am. If I tell someone I love them I mean it and I love you Y/N, unconditionally," he said. He kissed your forehead. "I'm not leaving, ever." You smiled a little at this and he then kissed you. You knew he meant it. He loved you with everything in him and he would never hurt you.

Mikey- You were scrolling through the comments on the boys new video. It was the first video on their channel that you were in. You weren't in there for very long. You were just shown in the kitchen making food but a lot of the fans knew you from their other social medias. Most of the fans were nice and leaving nice comments but there were a few, "Who's that bitch?" "She's just there for the fame?" "Is that really Mikey's girlfriend, he could do so much better." "How could they allow that girl into their house." "They must be blind to have her in their house." "Who let that cow in?" These comments were horrible and you couldn't help but start crying. You could hear the boys talking outside the room. You wanted Mikey but you didn't want to both him and the other boys. You laid in bed and just cried. You don't know how long you were there crying but you were suddenly picked up and pulled into someone's chest. You instantly recognized the person and held onto him. "T-they hate me," you said. "No they don't. Anyone who said any of those mean things aren't real fans. The real fans understand and know that you make me happy," he said. "Aww," you heard from the door. You turned and the rest of the boys were standing there. Brooklyn had his phone screen facing towards you and it was in the comments of their new video. They all had seen the messages and they all had come to make sure you were okay. "Mikey's right. The ones who don't think you are right for Mikey aren't fans. Anyone who sees you guys together knows you are perfect for each other," Rye said. You smiled slightly and just held onto Mikey.

Jack- Jack had been gone all day. You had been laying in bed all day. You were completely exhausted, mentally and physically. You just didn't feel good enough for anything. The longer Jack was gone the more you thought this. You definitely weren't good enough for him. You never would be. Right now he was probably talking to someone so much better than you. So much pretty. Just everything you weren't. You wanted to cry but you just didn't have the energy to do it. There was a knock on the door but you ignored it. "She must be sleeping," you heard Brooklyn say. Then you heard them walk away. You just laid there until the door opened. You looked over and there was Jack. He smiled and went over to you. He hugged you but you pushed him away. You couldn't do it. Jack looked at you hurt. "What's wrong?" he asked and you just shook your head. "Please, just talk to me," he said. Still you stayed quiet. "Tell me what's wrong. I can try and fix it or help you or something," he said. "Just leave me alone! There are how many other girls out there?! They're all so much better than me! Just look at me! I'm horrible!" you yelled and started crying. He pulled you into a hug and held onto you. No matter how much you tried to struggle away from him he wouldn't let you go. "There is no one better than you. No one else I'd rather be with. I want to be with you. I love you and you only," he said and he kissed the top of your head and just held onto you well you cried into his chest. 

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