Meeting Your Family

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Andy- Andy was finally meeting your family. You were excited yet petrified. What if they didn't like him? What if they hated him? All the things that could go wrong went through your head. "Calm down baby," Andy said and he set his hand on your leg. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked over at him. His eyes were still glued on the road but he smiled a bit. You could tell he was still extremely nervous. You hoped he got along with them. It was nerve wrecking. You guys have been dating for almost a year now and he had never met your family. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared," you said. "I know. I am too. But we'll get through this. Just like we get through everything else." His words calmed you and you took his hand off your leg and in your hand. You guys stayed like this the entire ride there. When you got there you both sat in the car in complete silence for a couple minutes. Finally Andy got out. He instantly went over to your door and opened it for you. You smiled and got out. He then took your hand and lead you up to the door. He was about to knock when the door opened and there stood your mother. "Y/N!" you mother said giving you a hug. You hugged her back and then turned to Andy, "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Andy," you said to her. "It's nice to finally meet you, miss. Y/N has told me so much about you," Andy said with a huge smile on his face. "You as well. I'm happy to finally meet the man who makes my daughter so happy," your mother said to him. Then she let you both in. She lead you to the living room and you all sat down. Your father then walked into the room. You instantly got up and hugged him. "Honey, this is Andy. Y/N's boyfriend. He's such a nice young man," your mother said and Andy instantly stood up and held him hand out to your father. "It's nice to meet you sir," he said. "Please call me Y/F/N," your dad said. Andy nodded. Your mother had left the room, probably to finish dinner. You father was now talking to Andy. He was a huge football fan and right now that's what him and Andy were talking about. It was nice seeing them get along. Your mother came into the room ten minutes later tell you all that dinner was ready. You guys got up and went to the kitchen. It was nice. You all ate and talked catching up. When you were done, Andy helped your mother clean up the table. You were going to help but your father pulled you aside. "You got a really nice man right there. Keep him. I'd love to talk to him again but if he does hurt you, let me know and I'll take care of him," he said to you. You then hugged him. That's all you wanted was for them to except him and you were happy they did. After sitting in the living room talking for another hour, you and Andy had to go. You said your good byes and got up and left.

Rye- Great. Your parents had invited you and Rye to come over an hour ago for dinner. You didn't live that far away and they knew you could be there in a half hour. The thing that worried you was what they were going to think of Rye. They hadn't liked any of your previous boyfriends and you were scarred this would be the same way. But all the other relationships had ended badly and were so much different then yours and Rye's. You loved Rye with all your heart and your parents were doing to change that. So now, here you both are, holding hands outside your parents door. You knocked on the door and then looked over at Rye. You could tell he was nervous but he was really good at hiding it. You father opened the door and you looked over at him. "Dad, this is Ryan," you said. "It's nice to finally meet you," my dad said. He had a very straight face and he didn't seem impressed. He was scaring me. "It's nice to meet you too, sir," Rye said his smile never leaving his face. Your father never corrected him. He hated being called sir and you knew it. He let you both in and you were greeted by your mother. She hugged you and then looked up at Rye. "You must be Rye," she said. Rye nodded, "It's nice to meet you ma'am," Rye said. She smiled at him. "Well dinner's ready. We should go in and eat," she said. We all went in and sat down. You started eating in silence. It was very strange and it made you very uncomfortable. Then your dad started asking Rye a bunch of questions. They didn't seem to bother him and he just answered truthfully. Finally a question was asked that may have seemed to go to far, "So what are your intentions with my daughter?" You looked up at him shocked and your mother looked over at him. "I want what's best for her. I want to make her happy. I'd do anything for her and I plan on marrying her one day. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I love her with all my heart," he said looking over at you and smiling. He didn't seemed fazed by the question. Your father then smiled, "I'm glad to hear that because you seem like a nice young man and I really don't want my daughter hurt. If she is we are going to have some serious problems," your father said. Rye nodded in understanding. You finished eating and you and your mom cleaning the table and did the dishes while Rye and your father went into the living room talking. They seemed to be getting along quite well and you were happy about it. After you were done. You had to leave. You hugged your mom and then went into the living room to tell you dad good bye and get Rye.

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