What He Does When Your Sad

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Andy- You don't usually leave your house. Sometimes you even ignore his texts. So he usually comes to you house and let's himself in. He then goes to your room. He sits on the edge of the bed and you just pull the blanket over your head and tell him to leave you alone. He then lays next to you and pulls you close to him. You bury your face into his shirt and start crying. He just holds onto you until you either fall asleep or stop crying.

Rye- You usually hide in Rye's room since you are always at the flat. Rye walks in eventually and pulls you close to him. You try telling him what's wrong but end up crying. He holds you while you cry, constantly kissing your head. Once you're done, you explain everything to him.

Brooklyn- You usually go to yours and Brooklyn's tree just wanting to avoid everyone. Brooklyn will sit there and call you over and over again and constantly text him but you ignore him. Eventually he comes out looking for you and the first place he checks is the tree. He climbs up and asks you what's wrong. You just shake your head. You sets his hand on your shoulder and you shake it off. Before you know it you're crying and Brooklyn is holding you close to him.

Mikey- He usually can tell right away when your sad. He instantly pulls you into a hug and brings you to his room. He'll lay with you and constantly kiss you until you either start crying or fall asleep.

Jack- You usually end up tearing up in front of everyone trying to push off being sad. Then you end up running to either yours or Jack's room and hiding in the blankets. Jack comes in and holds you well you cry. Soothing you till you fall asleep.

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