Pregnancy (Before)-Andy

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You have been sick for days. Constantly throwing up and you just want to lay in bed. By the afternoon you'd be feeling a lot better. Not completely but still better. This went on for an entire week before you decided to go in. You hated being sick and usually if you waited a few days your sickness would go away but this time it didn't. So your last option was to go in. Andy was on tour right now. He had left over a month ago and he still wouldn't be back for another month. The band has really gotten big over the few years that you have been together so right now they were going everywhere. They should be just finishing up Europe and going to Asia soon. Then they'd be home for about a week and then be going to Australia, then South and North America. You were proud of them but you were a little upset about not being able to see Andy all the time. Now, you were driving yourself to the doctors. You got there and checked in and everything. You waited for a few minutes before you got your name called and you walked back with the nurse. She took your vitals and then asked you a few questions. You answered telling her you've been sick for about a week now and you just aren't getting better, you've been throwing up, feeling dizzy, and just not well at all. She eventually walked out telling you the doctor would be in there soon. After waiting about five minutes the doctor walked in. She asked you a few more questions. Which you obviously answered and then she asked the question that shocked you. "Is there a possibility that you are pregnant?" she asked. You looked at her for a minute before thinking. "I could be possible but I don't think it's that," you said. "Well if it usually is morning sickness, in most women's pregnancy it doesn't start till about six weeks. Sometimes earlier but that's the most common," she said, "Well how about we do an ultrasound so we can be sure to roll that out." You nodded. At least then you could be sure. She brought you to another room. The room with all the ultrasound stuff. You followed her instructions laying on the table and all that stuff. She turned the machine on, put the gel on your stomach and looked. "Congratulations," she said smiling at you. No... you couldn't possibly be. "You're pregnant," she said. You were completely shocked. The rest of the visit was a blur, along with the drive home. You and Andy had been together for two years now. He had only met your family a few times and your family didn't believe having children until after marriage, or at least until your engaged. You both were still too young and he was constantly on tour. He didn't have time to take care of a child. You didn't even know if he wanted a child. You weren't ready yourself. What if he left you when he found out? He'd leave you alone, with a kid. You'd lose the most important person in your life. You couldn't possible give up the child. The child deserves a home and someone to take care of it and love it. You sat on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest crying. You didn't know how to tell him. You didn't know what the outcome would be and it was the worst thing possible. Not only did you care about what he would think, but what would your parents think? All of a sudden your phone went off. It was Andy. You had made a promise to each other that if one of them called, then the other would answer and if they didn't the other person would think something's wrong. If you didn't answer he'd think something wrong and there was, but how were you suppose to explain it to him. Especially while he was on tour. If things did go wrong he could want to come home. He loved singing and you couldn't have him coming home from tour. You wiped your eyes and answered, knowing you had to, "Hello?" you said. "Hey, Y/N. I've missed you so much," he said. "I've missed you too," you said back. You talked for him for almost an hour and it made you pretty much forget about everything that was going on. Everything complicated. Finally he said, "I've got to go now. Can I call you in a little bit? We should be on the bus then and I should be able to facetime," he said. You were already shaking your head even though you knew he couldn't see you. "N-not tonight. I-I have to get up early," you said. You had tried to keep your voice steady but it didn't work very well. "Are you sure everything's all right?" he asked. His voice was filled with concern. "Y-yeah. I-I just need to go. I love you," you said and hung up before he could say anything else. You knew you shouldn't have done it because he's going to worry now but you couldn't deal with it now. As soon as you hung up you started crying. Andy called you a few more times trying to get you to answer but you wouldn't. You couldn't. You ended up crying yourself to sleep. You woke up about an hour later from your phone going off. You looked at it and read Rye's name. You knew he wouldn't stop calling until you answered, so you answered. You'd reassure him. Tell him you were fine and everything was fine, you were just busy. As soon as you put the phone up to your ear Rye was talking. "What's going on? Why'd you hang up on him? He knows somethings wrong and he thinks he did something wrong. You need to explain to him. But only after you explain what's going on to me. I'm worried. He's worried and him being worried is worrying everyone else. He's not concerned about anyone else. He just wants to know what's going on with you," Rye said. "I'm pregnant," you said and it went silent. Rye didn't say anything. "Look, I don't want Andy to know right now. He can't know. I don't want him to come home because of me or...." you started. "Don't even say that. He's not leaving you and he wouldn't leave you especially for this. If he even thought about it I'd kick his ass. That is not happening. But you need to tell him. And if you don't, I will because he needs to know," Rye said. "Rye, what if he wants to come home? He needs to be there for tour," You said. "Well, some things are more important and I say that family is more important than this. He can tour any other time but he only has nine months of you being pregnant," he said. "Ryan, nine months is almost a year and it's not like Andy's getting any younger. He loves music, he needs to do that." you say. "He also loves you and he obviously loves something else so I say this is just as important. If he wants to go back that's his choice," Rye says, "Now, I have to go. You have time to figure out how to tell him. I'm going to check in in a couple of hours and see how everything's going. You should probably tell him something. Even if it's just starting out with that you haven't been feeling the best but you need to tell him something," Rye said. You and him said your goodbyes and hung up. You sat for several hours, just thinking of what you were going to say to Andy. What you could say without making him come home. But Rye was right, if Andy wanted to come home he could. No one would be able to stop him. You hadn't moved from your spot on the couch, you were too deep in thought. You had wrote several different notes and different ways of saying this to Andy but nothing seemed right. You got a call that got you out of your thoughts. It had to be Rye. You instantly answered. "Rye?" you said. "It's not Rye, Y/N," a very familiar voice said, "Oh," you said. Silence followed. "Please, you need to talk to me," he said. You stayed silent awhile longer. Andy waited, he could tell from your breathing that you were crying. "I-I don't want to lose you," you said. "Why would I leave you? I love you and only you," he said. "I-I..." you say pausing. You could barely breathe now. Everything you had thought out was gone, you were completely blank. You had to tell him now. You had to tell him and you had no idea how. "I'm pregnant," you said. "W-what?" Andy responded after a few seconds of silence. "I'm pregnant," you repeated. "Why would I break up with you because of that?" he said. "We aren't married. You have music to worry about, not a family. We haven't even talked about this," you said. "That doesn't mean I'm going to leave you. It's not just your responsibility. It is as much mine as yours," he said. "This is our child, not your child. You do not have to deal with this stress alone." Relief went over you. You knew everything was going to be fine. "I'm coming home," he said at last. "No, you need to stay and finish tour," you told him. "Tour can wait, I want to be with you right now. You need me and I'm going to be there. I could be gone for over a year if I continue tour. They can either continue without me or stop tour and we can continue it later, but right now I'm going home." he said. "I love you," you said. "I love you too. I'll be home soon," he said. With that you knew things were going to be fine. He loved you and he wasn't going to leave and you knew you weren't ever going to leave him. He was the love of your life.

A/N: This chapter is 1,720 words! Since this one is so long and the others are pretty much the same length I am posting them all as separate chapters but I have decided to be really kind and release them all on the same day! Thank you guys so much for reading our book. Love you all!

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