Break Up

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Andy- "We need to take a break, it's for the best. You need to focus on your career and I need to focus on myself," you said to Andy. He shook his head, "I am focused on my career. I don't want to lose you," he said. "We've been fighting off and on for weeks now. We need this break. If we are meant for each other then we'll come back to each other but right now, I can't do this," you said. Seeing him so sad broke your heart but you knew this was what was best for both of you. He nodded finally understanding and agreeing. You hugged him and kissed him one last time before walking out.

Rye- "Where were you?!" I yelled at Rye. "I was working on something with the boys, I didn't realize the time," he said clearly upset. "You promised me you would be there," I said tears were now starting to form and I was refusing to let one fall, "How am I suppose to trust you if you can't even show up to something so simple. It was just down the road and it last fifteen minutes." "I told you, I lost track of time," Rye said he didn't look upset anymore. He looked angry. "I should go home," you said looking down. "You should," Rye said a little harshly. This fight may have seemed like no big deal but it meant everything to you and Rye knew that. It was a small show you wanted to go to with him. He promised you he would and he never showed. If he was with the boys he could have texted you or called you and explained but no, he left you wondering where he was and left you blowing up his phone and ignoring you. You nodded and you felt a tear fall down your cheek. You turned and started walking out, then you turned back to him, "Don't call. Don't text. Don't come and see me. Just leave me be. I need to be away from you for awhile and I don't know if I can do us anymore." With that you walked out.

Brooklyn- "I'm sorry. How many times do I have to tell you, I'm sorry," Brooklyn said. "You missed our anniversary. We've been talking about it for months and we had plans. You were suppose to meet me at the restaurant and you never showed. Then I come home and find you here watching tv. I even reminded you this morning," you said. You were shaking so badly. He didn't even look like he felt bad. You turned around and stormed to your room and started packing your stuff. He walked in and he didn't stop you. Once you were done you pushed him out of the way not even saying goodbye and you left.

Mikey- "Mikey, I'm sorry. I can't be with you anymore," you finally say. Mikey was in the middle of a sentence and you couldn't hold it in anymore. You felt as if you were holding him back and you couldn't do that anymore. He needed to focus of his career and be at his fullest. You could see the hurt in his eyes and it made it tens times harder. "W-what do you mean," he stuttered out. His voice was so shaky. So softly almost like at any moment he was going to break. You knew he would start crying but in the end it would be for the best. "I'm breaking up with you Mikey. I can't be with you," you said. You were holding back the tears. You wanted to tell him that you didn't love him anymore, just so that he wouldn't try to find a way to stop this. You couldn't ruin his career. If you did that it would ruin his life. Singing is everything to him and you can't do that but you couldn't make the words come out. You couldn't say something that was so untrue. "I-I don't understand. E-everything was going just fine," he said a tear slowly fell down his cheek. You just shook your head. "I'm sorry Mikey. This just aren't the same anymore and it's not working for me." you said quietly. He was slowly breaking but you could tell he was fighting more tears back. "I should go," you said and turned and left. This hurt you so much and you knew you were leaving him and he would cry as soon as you shut the door. He'd lock himself in his room until he was able to stop crying. It took everything in you not to turn around and go back to him. But you knew this was for the best.

Jack- "I can't believe you!" you yelled through the house. You had tears in your eyes and you were fighting them back. You didn't want to try in front of him. Not after what he had done. "I told you I didn't do anything wrong!" Jack yelled back. "I was right there! I walked over and you asked for her number!" you yelled back. It was so hard to fight back the tears but you needed to if you didn't you'd use Jack for comfort and you couldn't do that. "It wasn't like that," Jack said his voice getting softer. You shook your head. "I heard it! I saw the exchange! You can't tell me it was just nothing! That you did nothing wrong!" you yelled at him. You didn't care about the tone of his voice. You knew what you saw and heard and you weren't letting him get away with it. "You called her beautiful! You called her amazing! Right in front of me!" you were still yelling, "You know I hate that! You know I hate hearing you say that to other girls! Maybe I'm just not good enough for you and I was right all along." you said your voice slowly getting quieter. You started going to yours and Jack's shared room. "What are you talking about? You are perfect for me. What are you doing?" Jack asked. "I'm getting some clothes. I'll be back in a few days to get the rest of my stuff. Don't call me or text me. Don't even try to talk to me. I'm done. I don't want to hear anything from you." And with that you packed a small bag and left.

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