Getting Back Together

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Andy- Ever since you guys had broken up, you've been miserable. It was absolutely terrible without Andy in your life. You missed him so much and you just wanted to run back to him and tell him that you couldn't live without him. But you knew you had to. It was just how things were. Ever since your breakup, neither of you had spoken to each other. You hadn't seen each other either. You were still friends with the other boys but you had been avoiding them as well. If you hung out with them there was a great chance that Andy would be there and you couldn't go through that. Today was just a lazy day for you. You were laying on your couch in a pair of sweatpants and a random tee-shirt just watching TV. There was a random knock on the door. You looked down at your phone and there wasn't any text messages. You got up wondering who could possibly be there. You opened the door and there stood Rye. Rye hugged you and you instantly hugged him back. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" you asked him. "You've been ignoring my texts. I didn't want you to ignore this one or not let me in," he said. You looked down. You felt bad for ignoring him but you literally couldn't deal with being around Andy. "Your birthday is tomorrow," Rye said smiling. You looked at him. It couldn't possibly be that time already. But sure enough it was. "I'm not really in the mood for celebrating," you said. "I don't really care. You're still celebrating," he said. He then grabbed your hand and you guys went over to the couch and talked through plans. Then Rye literally made you get dressed and you guys went to the store and bought supplies for the party that was now tomorrow night. Rye was taking care of the invitations and you were taking care of decorating. You hadn't realized it before but this really was something you needed. It had kept your mind off Andy and everything was fun. *Tomorrow Night* The night of your party. You didn't really dress up. You had a pair of shorts and a nice shirt on. There was no need to dress up it wasn't a fancy party. Rye was the first to walk in and he was soon followed by Jack, Mikey, and Brook. Not long after the room started filling with people. Music started playing and everything was going perfect. Then you ran into him. He was standing in the kitchen, alone just scrolling through his phone. He looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep. He looked up at you and he smiled weakly. "Happy Birthday, Y/N," he said quietly. It broke your heart. You thanked him and then turned to walk out of the kitchen. You couldn't stay in here with him. You set your hand on the door about to walk out when you felt a hand on your opposite arm. "Please, don't go," Andy's voice said. It was almost as if he were begging. You looked up at him and you could see the desperation in his eyes. "I can't do this any longer," he said, "I can't keep being without you. I need you in my life. I love you so much," he said. You hugged him and he instantly hugged you back. You guys stood like that for a long time. "I love you so much, Andy. I don't think I can deal with that any longer," you said. "So does this mean we're back together?" Andy said. You could hear the nervousness in his voice. "Of course it does," you said. He smiled and you couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again.

Rye- You were miserable. You missed him so much. It had been a month and nothing has changed. You felt the same as you did when you guys first broke up. You had been keeping track on the boys, checking their stories and checking twitter. Rye was usually always on there. Well before anyways. He hasn't said anything or even showed his face. Yes, you knew you shouldn't be constantly checking on them but the rest of the boys were your friends. You promised to continue supporting them. They were absolutely amazing. Right now, you were thinking of checking their stories but instead you set your phone down. As soon as your phone was out of your hand it started ringing. It was Mikey calling. You answered confused. None of them have really talked to you since you and Rye split besides them texting you every once in awhile asking if you were alright.


M: "Thank god you answered, Y/N,"

"Why, what happened?"

M: "Brooker's sick and we have a music video we need filmed. It's suppose to be out in a few days and we can't disappoint the fans. You've filmed some of our covers before could you please do this?"


M: "I know. I wouldn't be asking you if it weren't important. I already talked to him and he said he's fine with it. He knows we need to get this done. He'll be professional about it."

"Okay. I'll be over in ten."

M: "Thank you so much!"

You guys said your good byes and you hung up. You got dressed and fixed your hair, putting it up so it was out of your face. Then you grabbed your phone and left. You arrived exactly ten minutes after you hung up with Mikey. You knocked on the door of the flat and the door swung open. "Y/N!" Brooklyn said hugging you. You guys walked into together. The cameras were already out and set up. "What about Elvis?" you asked Brook. "Alex went home for the weekend," Rye's voice said from behind you. You turned around. He looked just as miserable as you felt but he put on a smile. Andy then walked in setting his hand on Rye's shoulder. "Thank you so much for coming in, on such a short notice," Andy said. He looked so stressed out like he was trying to figure everything out and of course nothing had to go as planned. Jack and Mikey walked in a few minutes later and you guys began filming. The good thing was you guys didn't need to leave the flat. It was just a new Evolution video that was able to be filmed inside. After many hours of making sure we had the perfect shots, we finally finished. You moved everything from the SD card to the computer. Mikey told you that he could edit it but you insisted on editing it. They did everything else by themselves plus it gave you a reason to stay longer. After about twenty minutes of you beginning to edit everything, Brook called out through the house, "We're getting food!" "Who's the we're?" you heard Mikey ask. "Me, Jack, and Andy. Why? Do you want to go with?" Brook asked. "No, I'll stay. I was just wondering." Mikey said and with that the three left. Mikey came and sat next to me for awhile. Then he decided to go take a shower. After a couple minutes, Rye walked into the room. I looked up and then instantly back down. He went behind the couch into the kitchen, making himself a cup of tea. After he was done he came and sat next to me. "How's the video coming along?" he asked avoiding looking at me. "It's going great actually." Then it went silent. You both just sat in silence avoiding looking at each other and avoiding talking to each other. You sat on separate ends of the couch and it made everything feel so wrong. Finally, Rye got up and put his cup in the sink. Then he started walking out of the room. "Rye?" you said. He stopped but he didn't turn. You weren't sure if he was going to keep walking out. After a few more seconds, he did turn around. "I miss you," you said, "I miss you so much it hurts." He closed his eyes for a few seconds before walking over to you. "You want to know what hurts? Still being in love with someone and seeing them, yet not being able to do anything. Not being able to say anything," he said. You could see the tears in his eyes. He always tried to act so tough and you loved that but you also loved the other side of Rye and this broke your heart. You set the computer next to you and stood up. Then, without thinking you hugged him. He instantly hugged you back and you guys stood like that for many seconds. "I love you and I don't think I could ever stop loving you," you said to him. He looked at you moving one of his hands to lie on your cheek. Then he kissed you. You missed this. All of the sudden you hear clapping. You and Rye let go of each other and turn towards the sounds. There stood all four boys, everyone except Jack, who was holding the pizza, was clapping.

Riley: Bitch, you thought we were going to post all five. But nope. You guys will have to wait for the other three!

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