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Andy- It had been a rough night for you. You called your best friend Andy well sitting in your room holding in tears. Maybe he could cheer you up. You knew it was late but he always seemed to be awake when you needed to talk to him so you might as well call him and see if he is this time. He picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" he asked. You could tell you woke him up. "Sorry for waking you. I'll let you go back to sleep. Didn't realize it was already this late," you said with a forced laugh. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm up now and if you want to talk we can talk," he said, "Plus we didn't get to talk all day." "That's because you've been busy all day," you said. The conversation continued with him telling you everything he did today. "What the fuck!" you heard someone yell and you instantly froze. "What's going on?" Andy asked. "It's nothing. B-but I've got to go," you said. You didn't even give Andy a chance to answer before hanging up. You walked downstairs. You father was standing in the kitchen. He was drunk again. He had started drinking ever since your mother had died. He started getting violent as well and you wanted to leave, you really did but you needed to be there for him. You had to take care of him. "I asked you to make sure everything was clean! I asked one thing of you!" he yelled. "I-I'm sorry. I-I got busy and forgot to finish cleaning," you said back to you. He stumbled towards the fridge grabbing another bottle out. "Dad, its late, please let's just go to bed," you said. He was already chugging the bottle ignoring you completely. "Dad, please," you said again. If you could get him to bed everything would be fine. He still ignored you. "Dad," you said again and he finally looked at you. He looked so emotionless for just a few seconds and then his eyes filled with anger. He threw the bottle at you. Glass broke everywhere. You were able to keep you head safe but your arms were a different story. "I am the father! You do not tell me what to do!" he yelled causing you to cower down. The anger still hadn't gone away and before you knew it he was in front of you. He shoved you back yelling about how you should learn to keep your mouth shut. You tripped falling back onto the ground. The next thing he did was kick you in the side. Then he stumbled out towards the door. You heard his car start and then the sound disappear. He was gone again. You started crying. The amount of pain you were in was even half the reason you were crying. How could he let things go this far? How could he do any of this? You started getting up. Your side hurt extremely bad and you knew there would be a bruise there in the morning. You started cleaning up the glass. You've worry about yourself when this stuff is done. You hear the door open and you think it's just your dad again. "What happened?" you hear from behind you causing you to jump. You turn around quickly and there stood Andy. "What are you doing here?" you asked ignoring his question. "I was worried so I came to check on you. You're bleeding," he said. He walked over to you and grabbed you by the side of your shirt, avoiding touching your arms not wanting to cause you pain but without knowing it he caused you a lot of pain. You jumped back wincing and holding onto your side. "What happened?" Andy asked again and his eyes were filled with concern. "M-my dad came home drunk. It's not really as bad as it looks," you tell him but really it was. It was just as bad as it looked if not worse. "How often does he come home like that?" Andy asks. You just shook your head. You couldn't answer that. Especially without starting to cry again. He asked again and you started crying. "Obviously it's way too often to be safe here. You're staying at my place," he said. You started shaking your head, "I need to take care of him. I have to be there for him." "He is the parent. He is the one who's supposed to be taking care of you. Not the other way around. It's not safe for you to stay here. You have to leave because it will only get worse," he said. Andy had found a way to lead you into the bathroom without hurting you. He started to clean up the cuts and make sure all the glass was off of you. "I'm going to make sure you're safe. I'm going to make sure you never have to deal with this pain again. Ever," he said. "Andy you don't have to do that," you said. "Of course I don't have to but I want to. I've always wanted to protect you," he said. "Why?" you asked him. "Because, Y/N, I'm in love with you and I have been. I've wanted to protect you and make sure you were always safe. But I haven't been able to," he said looking down, "I understand that you don't feel the same way but I still have to make sure you are safe." You watched as he finished cleaning your wounds in silence. Once he was finished started to walk out of the room. "Andy?" He turned around and looked at you. You kissed him. He smiled kissing you back. "How could I not love you? You are everything I could possibly ask for. I just knew I was never good enough for you," you said. "Of course you are. If anything I'm not good enough for you," he said. You hugged him. With that you guys walked out together.

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