Abuse: Part 2

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Brooklyn- You sat in your car outside the boys house. You had just left your boyfriends house. Your boyfriend.... The asshole. You wanted to break up with him so badly but you couldn't. As much as you hated him you also loved him. Anyone who seen you guys together would think you both were happy. But there was a side to him that no one knew. His angry side and he'd always take it all out on you and you let him. If he hurt you and it made him feel better than so be it. You put your sweatshirt on to make sure to cover your arms and the most recent bruises. Then you got out and walked into the boy's house. These people here were your best friends. As soon as you walked in you couldn't help but smile. "Y/N!" Brooklyn said running over. He hugged you and you had to keep yourself from wincing. "You finally made it. I was beginning to think you weren't going to come," he said. "Of course I was. I told you I was and that means I'm going to show up. He smiled brightly. You were the closest to Brooklyn. Of course you had a small crush on him but you were with someone and he was just your friend. "Let's go watch the movie," Brook said taking your hand and leading you to the cinema room. Most of the other boys were already in there, including Andy, Rye, and Mikey. Jack wasn't in there and Elvis was nowhere to be seen either. Robbie however had been waiting for you both to walk in and decided to scare both of you by grabbing your shoulders. Brooklyn jumped and swore and you screamed. All the other boys were laughing. Brook eventually joined in. You didn't really know what to do. You wanted to laugh but at the same time he scared the living crap out of you... for more reasons then they knew. All of you went and sat down. Mikey and Andy were hogging the larger couch, while Rye took one of the chairs. Brooklyn decided to take the other chair. Elvis then walked in carrying popcorn. He handed one to Mikey and Andy. Then one to Rye, who's sharing with him. Then one to Robbie, who's sharing with Jack whenever he decides to come in and then he handed the last one to Brook saying you had to share with him. Which was fine with you if there was more room to sit. Brooklyn seen this problem and told you to sit on his lap. You did. Like you said earlier, he was just your best friend and you've done this millions of times before. Jack then walked in apologizing, saying he had lost track of time. Everyone just laughed and he went over by Robbie and sat down. The movie started and the room went silent. Everyone just stayed watching the tv. You laid your head on Brook's shoulder, knowing it was more comfortable for you and him and that it'd be easier for him to see if you were like this. About halfway through the movie, Brooklyn lifted his arm, stretching but it caused you to flinch. You didn't want to or try to and you just hoped he didn't notice but you couldn't get that lucky. Brook put his arm back down before whispering what was wrong. You just shook your head. He then pulled you against his chest and got up carrying you out. "Where you going mate?" Mikey asked. "She fell asleep. I'm just going to bring her up to my room," Brook said and Mikey nodded. You didn't bother saying anything knowing that if you did he'd tell everyone what happened. Brook carried you up to his room in silence, but once he got there he set you down. "What happened?" Brook asked again. You stayed silent and stared at the ground. Eventually Brooklyn made you look at him. You could see the worry in his eyes. "Y/B/N did this didn't he?" Brook asked. You shook your head. "Don't lie to me," he said. "I-I'm not," you said. "I know you. I can tell when your lying. So don't lie to me," he said. You could see that he was starting to get angry. You pushed yourself back and just started crying. "Please don't," you said allowing yourself to fall to the ground, "Please just leave me alone." "I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you. But I need you to tell me who hurt you. Was it Y/B/N?" You pulled your knees up to your chest and just cried. You couldn't tell me. "How bad did he hurt you?" he asked. You slowly pulled your sweatshirt off revealing several bruises on your arms. You showed him your stomach revealing even more bruises. "I'm going to give him what he deserves," Brooklyn said. It was very clear how angry he was. "Why do you care so much? I can deal with this myself," you said. Brooklyn turned to you and then his entire face changed. He didn't have as much anger in it anymore just sadness. "You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I care?" he said. "You don't need to care this much. I can deal with it myself. Everything is fine, everything will be fine," you said. "No it won't he will continue to do this. Wha... What if he ends up killing you?" Brook says and his tone was a lot softer this time. "Then so be it," you said. "No, I am not letting him do this to you," Brook said. "You are going to stay out of this!" you yelled. "Fuck that!" he yelled back and you flinched at his words. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell but I can't stay out of this," he said. "Yes, you can. You have to," you told him. "I love you, alright. I thought you were happy so I left my feelings alone but he's hurting you and I can't leave that alone. I can't lose you because someone else. Especially not someone like him," he said. You shook your head. "You can't love me," you said. "I know I shouldn't but I do and I can't make the feelings go away no matter how much I try to, I can't," he said. "Brooklyn..." you started. "I understand. You don't feel the same way but that doesn't mean I'm still not going to protect you. No matter what I am still your best friend," he said. "That's not what I was going to say. I do l-love you Brooklyn but I-I'm with him and I can't just break up with him," you said. "He's hurting you. You need to," he said, "I'm not telling you because that means I can be with you, I'm telling you because it means your safe," he said. "I'll break up with him, fine. I will," you said, "Just don't tell the other boys. I'm not ready for everyone else to know," you said. Brooklyn nodded and pulled you into a hug.

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