You're Dating Him and You Have a Child He Doesn't Know About

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Andy- You had just gotten called in for work. It was about five pm and you were not ready for this. Of course you excepted going in, you need the money and on top of that you could get fired if you don’t agree. Now you were trying to find someone to watch your daughter. You had called your parents but they weren’t home and they hardly ever watched her anyways. They didn’t believe you were actually capable of taking care of kid and they thought you should have put her up for adoption and since you hadn’t listened to them they helped as little as possible. You called her father but he didn’t answer once again. You called everyone else you could think of but no one was able to help you. You had one option left, your boyfriend Andy. He still didn’t even know you had a child and now you were calling him to ask him if he could watch your child. “Hello?” Andy asked as soon as he picked up and you sighed slightly in relief just glad that he picked up. “I have a large favor to ask you and I know it’s short notice and I didn’t want you to find out this way but I have to go into to work and I need someone to watch my daughter,” you said as quickly as you possibly could. You didn’t really want to explain but you knew you would have to. “Your daughter?” Andy asked “I know she’s not yours and she’s not your responsibility but I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t desperate,” you said, “I can explain everything later but I really have to go to work.” He stayed silent for a few seconds and it drove you crazy. You were scared of what he would say. “I’ll be there soon,” he said. “Thank you so much,” you said. After about ten minutes of waiting with your daughter on your lap there was a knock on the door. You got up quickly and let him in. “I am honestly so sorry,” you said again, “I’m not asking you to step in as her father. You will never have to do that, especially if you don’t want to.” “It’s fine. You don’t have to keep apologizing for it. I’m fine with it,” Andy said. You couldn’t tell how he was feeling and it worried you. “This is Y/D/N,” you said to Andy, “And this is Andy,” you said to your daughter. She smiled and hide her face slightly. You handed her to Andy and explained as much as you could while you had time. You promised to explain the rest when you got back. With that you ended up leaving. When you got back home it was almost two in the morning. You walked into the house and you heard the tv so you instantly walked into the living room. Andy was sitting on the couch sleeping with your daughter curled up next to him. You mentally awed not wanting to wake either of them up. You couldn’t help but pull out your phone and take a picture either. “Y/N?” you heard Andy say still half asleep. You looked over at him and then motioned for you to come over. You listened walking over and sitting next to him. “She’s sweet,” he said quietly looking down at her. The love in his eyes was obvious. “She really is,” you said. “Why didn’t you tell me about her sooner?” he asked. You looked down, “I didn’t want to introduce her to someone that could have left just as easy. We’ve had enough people walk out on us and I don’t want her to have to constantly keep going threw that,” you said. Andy took your hand squeezing it lightly. “I’m not going anywhere and I promise you that. I love you and I love your daughter. She comes with you and I am one hundred percent fine with all of this. Yes, it was a lot to take in at first but some people have children young and I would never judge you for that,” he said and you smiled. You then laid your head on Andy’s shoulder while he put his arm around you and you both just sat there in silence eventually drifting off to sleep.

Rye- Today was one of the only days you actually got to stay home. That made your daughter extremely happy, especially since today she was in an extremely clingy mood. Rye had a studio today which made it even better. Not that you didn’t want to spend time with him. It was just that Rye didn’t know about your daughter. You weren’t really sure how to tell him either. She was your ex’s and any other person you talked to left as soon as they found out you had a child so of course with Rye you weren’t sure how to tell him. You didn’t know if you could tell him but now was definitely not the time. Your daughter suddenly moved beside you. You had forgotten that she had fallen asleep and you looked down at her. She was rubbing her eyes just starting to get up. You got an idea. It was almost her birthday and you didn’t know if you would actually be available that day so today you would make sure to celebrate her birthday. You got up and picked her up causing her to jump surprised that you picked her up. “We’re gonna go out,” you told her taking her to her room and getting her ready. She was extremely excited. You hardly ever had time to go out. Once she was ready you took her back to her room and got ready yourself. “Where are we going?” she asked you. “It’s a surprise,” you said which caused her to jump up and down. You finished and picked her up and carried her out the door. You set your phone on silent while walking out the door so that your phone couldn’t distract you. The first place you decided to take her to is a trampoline park. You knew she loved it there and with Rye busy this was your perfect opportunity to take her. She was confused when we first got there but as soon as you brought her into the room she was extremely excited. As soon as you set her down she was gone jumping around and playing with anyone and everything she could. You guys were there for a decent amount of time before she started getting tired. She was ready to eat and go to bed. You picked her up and as you were getting ready to leave you heard several very familiar voices. You instantly froze. How were you suppose to get out of here without them seeing you. Right now you couldn’t deal with the questions or the disgusted looks. You knew Rye needed to know but today was not the day. You weren’t ready to possibly lose him. “Rye get off your phone and let’s go,” you heard Brooklyn say. “She’s not answering me. I’m starting to get worried,” Rye said back. You set your daughter down and she just stood next to you rubbing her eyes while you got your phone out. You had several missed calls and a lot of unread texts messages. All from Rye. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” you heard Mikey ask in front of you causing you to jump. Rye must have heard your name being mentioned because he was instantly in the room and he looked extremely confused and worried. He was looking around the room for anyone else that could be in there but it was just you and your daughter. Rye then looked down at her. By now she was holding onto your leg and hiding behind you. “I-I…” you started but you didn’t know how to explain any of this. “A-are you cheating on me?” was the first thing that Rye said. You were upset that that was the first thing he thought of but you understood. “No. I would never do that,” you said. You seen a slight relief go through his face. “We should probably go and let them talk,” Mikey said grabbing Brooklyn’s arm and pulling him out of the room soon being followed by Jack and Andy who had walked into the room unnoticed. You both stood in silence for a few minutes before you decided to break the silence. “T-this is my daughter, Y/D/N,” you said and Rye looked over at her giving her a small smile but he looked somewhat sad. You couldn’t describe it. “She’s my ex’s. He left as soon as he found out I was pregnant,” you said and this time all you could see on his face was anger. “What kind of person does that? Leaving someone alone while they’re carrying a child. That’s just messed up,” he said and you stayed looking at the ground. You had shut all of it out and it took forever for you to open yourself up again when you met Rye. He was the first person you have trusted in so long. They next thing you know he’s lifting your chin up so that you’re looking at him. “I would never do that. Even if she isn’t my child biological I will treat her just as I would my own. I will make sure to help you in anyway I can. I love you, every part of you and that includes your child,” he said you smiled and hugged him. After that you talked to Rye about what you had planned today and since you guys were getting ready to leave, Rye decided to go with you guys and eat just so he could learn more about your daughter.

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