Child Gets Really Sick

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Andy- You were completely exhausted. Andy had been busy with the band for the past week and you've been up all day and night taking care of your son. He was always really clingy when Andy was gone. If he couldn't see you, he screamed and today just seemed to be so much worse. You finally gotten him to go to sleep and after five minutes he started screaming again. You walked back in and picked him up. He was burning hot. You took to your room and took his temperature. It was 101ºF. Fantastic. He then started coughing and it was horrible. He sounded like he couldn't stop. It just made him cry more. You went into the medicine cabinet and found some cough medicine for him. You attempted to give him his dosage but he just spit it out. Andy, you needed him. But you really didn't want to interrupt him from work. You went and sat on the couch trying to get him to go to sleep. He finally did, with the blanket wrapped around him and you holding onto him. He looked so miserable. You pulled your phone out and called Andy. He didn't answer for a few long seconds, "Hey, babe," he finally said picking up the phone. "Hey," you said smiling slightly. It was relaxing just to hear his voice. Your son moved a little bit and let out a whimper and it just broke your heart. "Is he okay?" Andy asked. "No, he's not. He's sick," you answered. "I'll be home soon and we can take him to the doctors," he answered back. "No, I can take him myself. It will be alright. You need to work," you said. "The boys will understand," Andy said, "Hey, I need to take my son to the doctors." You heard the other boys responding, wishing him luck and hoping that it's nothing too serious. "I'll be home soon baby. I love you both so much," he said and with that he hung up.

Rye- It was absolutely fantastic. Both the twins were throwing up. They have been now since five in the morning. You were completely exhausted. Rye had been sleeping the entire time and you were fine with it. He needed the rest. You were sitting on the couch with one of your twins laying on either side of you. You were just falling asleep when you heard the door to your bedroom open. "Babe?" you heard Rye call and let out a yawn. "I'm in here," you said back. He walked in rubbing his eyes. He seen the twins laying on your lap. "Everything alright?" he asked and you shook your head. "They don't feel good. They're burning up and they keep throwing up," you said. He went over and picked one of the twins up laying him on his chest before sitting next to you. "We should schedule an appointment," he said. You nodded. "I'll take them while you go to the studio with the other boys," you said. "I'm not going to the studio today," he said. "You told me you were last night," you said. "I was but they're sick, so now I'm staying with you and helping. One sick kid is tough to deal with on your own, I am not leaving you with two sick kids," he said. You smiled and he leaned over and kissed you quickly.

Brooklyn- You had left to go to work. Brooklyn didn't have studio work today so he said he'd stay home with the kids. As soon as you walked out to your car, one of the kids started crying. Your daughter. Brook went in there to check on her and realized right away how hot she was. "Come here, sweetheart," he said picking her up and holding her close to him. He had never stayed home alone with a sick child. Not because he wouldn't but because one of the children always seemed to fall sick when either you were home or both of you were home. She kept crying and was pulling at her ears. Her nose was severely stuffy and it just seemed to make her more mad. He took her out and found some medicine to give her. He gave it to her and hoped that that would be enough to get her through. She took it though it did make her scream more. He took her to the couch and rocked her, singing to her hoping to get her to fall asleep. She stopped crying to listen to him sing but as soon as he'd stop she'd start crying again. "Princess, it's alright. Everything will be alright. You need to rest," he said rocking her but nothing seemed to work. He really didn't want to call you and interrupt your day but he knew he had to. He knew he also needed to take your daughter to the hospital and figure out everything that's going on but he needed to let you know first. So he called you, "Hey, is everything alright?" you ask him. "Sort of. Everything besides our daughter. She isn't feeling very well," he said. "Well I can get off early and come home and help with her," you said. "No, I've got this. I just thought you should know and I was going to go take her to the doctors," he said. "Then I'm definitely getting off early. I'll be home soon," you said. "No, I can do this," he said. "We do this together, Brooklyn," you said. He smiled, "You're right. Together." "Good, now I'll be home in about twenty minutes," you said. "See you then babe, love you."

Mikey- "Shhh, everything will be alright baby," you said holding your daughter in your arms rocking her. Mikey would be home any minute now and you didn't want him walking in while she was screaming. He would be extremely worried. "I'm right here, there's no need to cry," you said. She looked up at you and now she had stopped crying but you could see the pain in her eyes. She had been hot all day and now it just seemed to be getting worse. You heard the door open. "Babe? Where are you?" he called. "In here," you answered back from your daughters room. He walks in with a huge smile on his face but it instantly disappears when he sees you with her. "Is everything alright?" he asked. She really did look horrible. You shook your head. "She's doing horrible. She has a fever and you can tell she's in pain," you said. "Then let's go," he said. You nodded and went and put your shoes on. He came up behind you and wrapped a coat around the both of you. Then he kissed your forehead and then his daughters forehead before opening the door for the both of you.

Jack- Jack was sleeping peacefully, till he woke up from a loud scream. You had jumped awake and were starting to get out of bed. He could tell you were completely exhausted. "I've got this," he said and told you to lay back down. You did and he got up and went to your son's room. He was laying on his bed screaming. Jack walked over to him and picked him up. He instantly could tell he was burning up. "Oh, buddy," he said and picked his blanket up wrapping around him. "You can come lay with me and mom," he said and carried him into your room. He set him on the bed and your son crawled over to you. "He's not feeling very well," Jack said while getting into bed, "I was thinking we let him sleep with us for the rest of the night and see if he's a bit better in the morning and if he's not we take him in then." You nodded in agreement. Your son had already fallen asleep laying on you. "I think he'd like to get the rest of his sleep as well," you said and Jack laughed. Then he leaned over and kissed your son's forehead and then he kissed you. "I love you baby," he said.

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