Item You Steal From Him

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Andy- His sweatshirts or jackets. What else are you suppose to do when you are almost always cold or even if you aren't cold you love having a sweatshirt or jacket to hide behind. Andy doesn't think you need to hide behind anything because he believes you are perfect the way you are but of course that still doesn't stop you, especially when it's his sweatshirt/jacket.

Rye- You are always wearing Rye's necklace. He hardly ever took it off and when he did he made sure to put it somewhere the boys couldn't find it. One day you took it and started wearing it, he always says it looks great on you.

Brooklyn- You take any of his clothing. His sweatshirts, t-shirts, sweatpants. Whatever is his it might as well just be yours too. It is very rare to see you without something of his on. It also doesn't help when you know Brooklyn loves when you wear his clothes. It just shows people that you are his girl and no one else's.

Mikey- His shirts! Who doesn't love Mikey's shirts? They are always either goofy or representing something whether it's a movie, band, or show so of course you like taking them. Usually they are something you would wear so now you can just "borrow" them from Mikey.

Jack- His plaid button up shirts. You usually only wear them when going to sleep or when Jack's on tour, you wear them often just because it's a constant reminder of him. 

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