Is it toxic? No. How can you know? Because I love him. So? Doesn't that make your opinion, whatever is is, biased?
He is like fire and ice and she is in for the pain, she is a constant fall of acid rain and he is holding the umbrella praying that the slim sheet of fabric will hold against the storm from which their love is born. Does it make any sense? Of course not. Is there any logic to the black hole of love? Why should there be? It's a chemical reaction I suppose a staggered breath while tearing off clothes."We made love." Made love in between the sheets but when she whispered I love you, you were sound asleep and you abuse her and use her for her love making capacities and when she needs you truly with her heart, you just leave her to bleed. Her soul is worth more than a climax, she has so much more to give than that. She is not a factory 'making love', she is a human being who deserves better than whatever you can give her when five minutes is up.
He is not just a boy devoted to sex and drinking and smoking and muscles that flex, he is a fragile heart hidden behind a cocky smile if he opens that gate then you will see the potential within him. He has a standard you see, how he is meant to be, six packs and snap backs and baggy bulging jeans and fake words and flocked by girls, side chicks and dick pics, and never let them see you. Never hold them so tight you can't imagine letting go, you can't imagine the hole in your heart where they fit their key, a permanent apartment of a mismatched family. No, watch your porn and keep your pride, it's abs and testosterone, because boys
Cry.Is it toxic? How can I know. My eyes are so clouded by the feel of his lips and the whispered words just before sleep takes my hand. He takes me hand. He cares for me. Tell me, when you watch him watching me whenever I pretend I can't see, tell. me. How can that be toxic?
How can you know you love him?
I don't know.
Then there you go.
Results of a Restless Mind
PoésieA book of poems created by a sleepless mind and an open heart "I'm sorry that my heartbeat is louder than my thoughts." Completed 11/8/20