chapter 9

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•Bailee's POV•

I woke up feeling amazing. Cam is now officially mine. I love him so much.

I looked over at my phone on my nightstand. I grabbed it and decided to check the time. 9:30. Wow, it's actually early. Then I remembered I didn't post the pic of me and Cam. I went to Instagram and chose the photo.

@baileerae: last night☺️ @camerondallas

Then I locked my phone and decided to get up. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Once finished I chose my outfit for the day. A white loose tank top to where you can see my belly button, a brown knitted cardigan, black tight sweats that went halfway down my calf, and white vans. But I didn't put them on 'cause I'm just at my house.

It's Saturday and I think my parents told me that they're going somewhere for the weekend. Oh well. I wonder if Cam's up? I decided to text him. It was only 9:47 so I'm not sure if he's awake.

Me: hey babe you awake yet?

I locked my phone and got some cereal. I sat down at the island in the kitchen and ate. I looked at my phone. Still no answer. He's probably still sleeping. Then I had an idea.

I put my vans on and grabbed my phone. I went outside and drove to Cameron's house. I'm hoping his mom is there so I can get inside his house. I knocked and Gina answered.

"Oh hey Bailee! What's up? you here for Cam?" She asked.

"Yeah actually. I wanted to scare him." I said smiling.She laughed and let me in. I went upstairs to a sleeping Cam. Awh he's adorable when he sleeps. His mouth was slightly open letting out soft snores.

The floor creaked a little which caused him to close his mouth and turn over. Phew, I thought he would wake up.

I took off my shoes and went to his bed. I straddled his waist, which was covered with his blue camo blanket, and sat on him.


I leaned over and started to kiss all over his face. I kissed his forehead, then nose, cheek, his other, cheek.


I started to kiss his mouth and felt him kissing back. Then he sat up wide-eyed. I let out a little laugh.

"Woah how'd you get here?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Why? Do you not want me here? 'Cause I can just leave...." I said sarcastically getting hurt and starting to get off of him. He grabbed my waist and turned me back around.

"You're cute when you get hurt. And no stay." He said. I decided to pout. I crossed my arms and look away from him like a little kid not getting what they want.

"Awhh, don't be mad." He said. I looked away even more. He just turned my head so I was looking at him. He started to lean in, I leaned in too, but to only brush my lips against his and get off and run downstairs.

"Hey!" He said and chased after me. I decided to hide in the bathroom downstairs. I closed the door, but when I did I saw Cam looking and he ran towards the door. He tried opening it but I closed it and locked it. I was breathing heavily and laughing really hard.

"Babe let me in." Cam said.

"Nope." I said smirking to myself.

"Please." He said. Awh how cute.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Because you love me enough to let me in and get you back." He said.

I gasped acting innocent. "Get me back for what?" I said teasing him.

"Stop teasing and let me in please?" He said. I decided to just give up.

"Fine." I said slowly opening the door, big mistake.

Cam opened the door and barged in. He grabbed me by the waist and smashed his lips against mine. I felt the zoo in my stomach forming. He pulled away and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said.

"Mhm sure." I said walking past him grabbing his hand.

We walked to the living room and sat down he patted the spot next to him telling me I should sit there. I decided to sit on his lap though. He seem to like that better. I sat in between his legs and bent over to grab the remote.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"You." He said.

I turned around and looked at him.

"What?" I said smiling.

"Oh um I don't know, doesn't really matter to me." He said smirking.

I turned back to the tv and turned it on. I kept surfing the channels to find something when I felt Cam's lips on my neck. I immediately closed my eyes in pleasure. He started to suck on my sweet spot. I guess he knew where it was 'cause I let out a little moan. But I had to stop him. I turned my head to face him.

"Hey, let me finish." He said.

"Your mother is here." I said.

"So?" He said.

"So, that is very inappropriate and rude in a way.... whatever." I said as
he laughed.

"So what should we do today?" I asked.

"Well I liked what we were just doing but...." He said trailing off.

"Maybe." I said getting up out of his lap and walking upstairs to his room. As I was walking I looked at him and winked, biting my lip. I then ran upstairs to his room. I got in and just stood there waiting for him.

He came in and closed the door. I laughed and he grabbed me a lightly pushed me on his bed.

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