chapter 45

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"My Everything" is out so go check it out!! It would mean the world to me! I FREAKING LOVE YOU ALL


•Bailee's POV•

I woke up and felt arms around me. I lifted the blanket on me and I had on Cam's t-shirt and my underwear. We were in the back of his car. Then it hit me. Cam and I ended up doing it last night. It was even better than last time.

I smiled like an idiot, just thinking about it. I looked to my right to see Cam sleeping peacefully; me at the crook of his neck, snuggled with him.

I didn't feel like waking him, so I gently tried moving his arm off of me, succeeding, and sat up to rub my eyes. I grabbed my phone which was next to me in a pocket on the side of the car.

It was 9:24 in the morning. I got out of the car, putting on my shorts and stretched my arms. I heard the car door re-open and Cam got out to greet me. He was shirtless and had his basketball shorts on. I tried to walk towards the front of the car, but felt completely sore. I almost fell.

"Woah you okay there Bailee?" He said chuckling.

"Just sore. All because of you." I said poking his chest.

"You're welcome." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and sat back in the car.

"Shall we go back to the house and to take showers?" I asked running my hand through my hair.

"Sure." He said.

We got back to Nash's and Nash and Lily were goofing off outside. I stepped out of Cam's car and stretched once again.

"What happened to you guys last night?" Lily smirked.

"We went out." I said walking to the front door.

Lily followed leaving Cam and Nash outside. Once I got inside, closing the door, Lily started asking questions.

"Oh my gosh! Did you guys do it last night?!" She screamed.

"Yes! Jesus calm down." I laughed.

"Holy crap. You lost ur v-card?" She said.

"I actually already did." I said.

"Why don't you tell me these things?!" She asked.

"I don't know I just never came around to say it." I laughed.

"Well who took it?" She asked.

"Cam." I smiled remembering that night.

"Ahhh! When?!" She said excitedly.

"The night before I left for Michigan." I said blushing at the thought.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my GOD!!" She said jumping up and down.

"Calm down Lily. How about you? Have you lost yours?" I smirked.

"Well duh you were there. Remember?" She said.

"What the hell? Why would I be there when you guys were doing it?" I said grossed out.

"Nooo. You yelled, "Use protection!" She said quoting me.

"Oh my gosh. That was hilarious." I said laughing.

"Shut up, but um speaking of protection, you guys used protection right?" She asked a little more serious now.

I thought about it. Did we? I don't really remember.

"I'm not sure." I said thinking more. We were really in the moment, now that I think of it.



well that happened.

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