chapter 39

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omg thanks for all the voting and comments!!

go read my other fanfic! "My Everything" it's another Cameron Dallas fanfiction!




•Bailee's POV•

I sat on top of the counter and waited for Cam to get back. Then a sleepy Nash and Lily came downstairs.

"Woah what happened to you two? Oh wait, never mind." I said smirking.

"What?" Lily said groggily.

"Bedhead? Yeah I don't think so." I said with a little laugh.

"Oh shut up Bailee." Lily said smacking my head on the way to the pantry.

"Where's Cam?" Nash asked hugging Lily from behind and resting his head on her head because of the height difference. Too cute.

"He's chang- or he's walking down the stairs right now." I said looking at Cam with no shirt on and basketball shorts.

"Hey! I told you get clothes on!" I said covering my eyes.

"Oh please. Like you haven't seen it before Bailee." Lily said.

"That's exactly what I said! See Lily gets it." Cam said walking over to me and unwrapping my hands from my eyes.

"So what did you need to tell me?" Cam said walking in between my legs.

"Right! Okay so actually it applies to all y'all. Ready?" I said.

"Duh." They all responded.

"I'm moving back here!!" I said jumping on the counter and doing a little dance.

"Yay!!" They cheered.

"Really?!" Cam said helping me down.

"Yup. I'm coming back home." I said hugging him tightly.

"You make me so happy." He whispered in my ear making me tear up a bit. He pulled away and wiped my tears.

"I love you so much Bailee." he said kissing my forehead.

"I love you more." I said in his chest.

"I love you too Bailee boo!" I heard Lily scream. I laughed and and ran to her wrapping my arms and legs around her.

"I love you too Lily pad!" We all laughed.

"You know what we should do to celebrate?" Nash said smirking.

"What?" we all said.

"John's Incredible Pizza Company!!" He said. (Have any of you been there? :P)

"Yes!!" We all exclaimed.

"Okay be ready in 10." Lily said. We all agreed and went to the rooms.

"What should I wear?" I asked Cam as we made our way to the room.

"Anything is beautiful on you." He said flirtatiously.

"Oh stop." I said blushing.

"I'm serious." He said putting a random shirt on and some khakis.

"I know." I said going to my suitcase.

"I think this, this and this." I said taking a black cropped t-shirt and overalls with a flannel. I also grabbed my white doc martins. (Picture above)

"Yeah?" I asked holding it up so Cam could see. He was currently putting on his red vans.

"Cute." He said coming over and pecking my cheek. I giggled and started to change.

"Woah what are you doing?" Cam said quickly. I laughed and turned around to face him.

"It's not like you haven't seen it." I said mockingly.

"Oh be quiet. You're just gonna excite someone." He said.

"Oh gosh." I said continuing to change.

"Okay well while you do that I'll be on my phone to distract me." He said laying down and putting his phone over his face.

I laughed and put on the bandeau. I slipped my pants off and put the overalls on. I walked to the bathroom and began to makeup on.

"No, no makeup." Cam said watching me.

"Why not?" I said.

"You don't need it." He said. I pouted.

"Fine but not too much." He said pecking my cheek and walking out.

I put on mascara and eyeliner. Then I decided to just brush my hair and leave it down. I walked out and headed to the living room.

"Okay buttholes lets go." I said. They laughed and we headed out to the car.

I can't wait to live here again.

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