chapter 43

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•Bailee's POV•

I woke up sleeping very uncomfortable. I blinked to open my eyes. I sat up but immediately regretted it.

"Ouch. Sh*t. F*ck. Crap. Ow, ow, ow, ow." I said rubbing my head.

Last night Cam and I wanted to make a fort in my room. We put blankets on top of the desk and spread it throughout the room.

"Hmm. Bailee?" Cam said in his raspy morning voice. which by the way is to die for.

"Go back to sleep." I said pecking his lips and pushing him back down.

"No what happ- ahh. Ouch." He said sitting up quickly making him hit his head on the desk.

"Awhhh, it's okay baby." I said kissing his forehead and giggling a bit.

"Ha, ha." He said pecking my lips.

"Ewh morning breath." I said sarcastically grossed out.

"Fine, no kisses for you." He said. I fake pouted and stuck my tongue out.

"Hey I almost forgot, I have a special date for you tonight." He said getting out from under the desk and out of the tent.

"Ooh fun. Where are we going?" I asked coming out with him and stretching.

"Well it's a...." He said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

"A...?" I said telling him to continue.

"Surprise." He said pecking my cheek and going to the bathroom across the hall. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"So fancy, casual?" I said starting the water to brush my teeth.

"Casual." He replied brushing his teeth at the other sink.

"Orkay." I said mouth full of toothpaste. He laughed and spit.

*an hour later*

I was at the mall with Lily currently to pass time until my 'surprise' date with Cam.

"So what now? Oh! Rue 21 or Wet Seal?" Lily said.

"Mm. Wet Seal." I said. I grabbed her arm and we walked inside.

"So where are you and Cam going?" She asked looking through the sale rack.

"I'm not sure, but he said to dress casually." I said.

"Oh okay want some help?" She offered.

"Yeah proba-" I said.

*ringing noises*

"Hold on sorry." I said. It was Cam.

Me: hey what's up?

Cam: nothing much just wanted to check up on you

Me: Awh well I'm good. Whatcha doin?

Cam: out with Nash and met up with some of the football guys from school and old friends. I'll see you back at the house at 7? is that okay?

Me: cool and yeah 7's good. I gotta go Cam love you bye

Cam: bye Bails

*end of convo*

I checked the time it was 3:41. Lots of time.

"This?" Lily said holding up a blue crop top that said "GEEK" in white letters on it.

"Yes." I said grabbing it and holding it looking for others.

I found a long-sleeve tan knitted crop sweater, with an owl on it. Then I found a loose tank top that had the American Flag on it. There were others but I don't want to bore you on my new clothes.

By the time we were done at the mall it was 5:14. Lily and I decided to go home.

When we came home it was 5:30. Cam and Nash were still out but Cam was being all cute and texting me cute things.

"Bailee??" Lily said snapping me out of my gaze.

"Oh um yeah?" I said still looking at my screen.

Camsters: I miss you

Me: I miss you too baby

Camsters: I love you

Me: I love you too

Camsters: you're hot

Me: oh gosh. right back at ya ;)

"Bailee??!!" Lily said louder.

"Are you even listening?" She asked.

"Ugh sorry, Cam." I said showing her my texts.

"Oh okay well you should get ready, Cam and Nash are coming back soon." She said.

"Oh okay. Help me?" I said getting up.

"Sure thing, buttercup." She said winking and laughing. I laughed along and we started.

*hour later of discussing on what to wear*

"Okay we'll settle on the geek shirt, black skinny jeans and white vans?" I asked.

"Yes, Jesus that took long." Lily said sighing and falling back on the bed.

"I know." I said.

"Damn, its already 6:54." She said.

"Really?" I said.

"HONEY IM HOME!!" I heard Nash yell from downstairs.

"Come on let's go get them." Lily laughed.

We walked downstairs to meet Nash and Cam.

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