chapter 38

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•Bailee's POV•

*last day in Cali before Bailee goes back to Michigan*

I woke up wrapped in Cam's arms. He was totally passed out. It was funny yet cute. But now I have to pee. I slowly got out of his grip and walked to the bathroom. I did my business and started to do my morning routine. Then Cam walked in sleepily.

"Morning." I said splashing my face with water.

"Morning baby." He said kissing my cheek and starting the shower. I started to put lotion on my face and arms. Then Cam started stripping.

"Woah!" I said covering my eyes and turning around.

"Woah what? It's not like you haven't seen me Bails." He said.

"I know but still. You could've warned me." I said uncovering my eyes and walking over to him.

"Want to save water with me?" He asked smirking.

"Yeah, no." I said laughing  and slapping his arm.

"Why not?" He said now pouting.

"Because I don't want to." I said.

"Fine." He said pouting and turning around crossing his arms.

"Don't be mad." I said walking up to him.

"Hm." He said stomping his foot.

I began kissing behind his ear, but then stopped and ran out.

"Tease!" He said while I closed the door and headed towards the kitchen.

I didn't realize it was only 9:09. So early. Too early. Then I got a text on my phone that was in my shorts. I grabbed it and checked the text.

Mama💋: call me as soon as you wake up! I have great news hun!


Me: ahah well believe it or not I'm awake and calling you right now

Mama💋: that's a first and okay

I laughed and called her.

B: what's up?

M: well your father and I have decided to move another building for the company to California!

I could not believe what was happening. I get to stay here! With Cam!!

B: that's awesome mom! so do I still have to go back to Michigan to pack or?

M: nope we had some people pack your things up and we already shipped it to our new house. We live in a gated community in Los Angeles. And don't worry we made it a few minutes away from all your friends.

B: thank you sooooooo much mom! I'll call you later tho I have to go bye love you!

M: love you too hun we'll see you soon. I'll text u the address of the house and the code to get in the community bye.

*end of convo*

"Who was that?" Cam said.

I turned around and he had his towel draped around his torso. You could see his abs and his v-line.

Holy jesus.

"Like what you see babe?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts. Gosh I hope I wasn't drooling.

"Oh don't flatter yourself." I said going to the fruit basket on to he counter.

"Ha ha but seriously who was that?" He said.

"Oh my gosh!! You'll never believe it!" I said.

"What what!" He said girly-like jumping up and down. I gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Fine I guess you're not serious enough to know." I said.

"No please I want to knowww." He dragged.

"Okay but put some clothes on I can't take you seriously right now." I said. He laughed and walked back into the room.

I'm so excited!

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