chapter 19

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•Bailee's POV•

I woke up with a bright smile on my face. Everything was perfect. I have amazing parents and friends. Most of all I have an amazing boyfriend.

Then I got broken from my thoughts when my phone rang.

I sat up and gabbed my phone off of my nightstand. But me being me I didn't check the caller ID. Luckily it was Cam.

"Hey." I said kinda sleepily, considering I just woke up.

"Morning babe. Sorry if I woke you." He said.

"Oh no, it's good you did. I would've went back to sleep. What's up?" I said laughing a little.

"I was wondering if you could pick me up? My car is at the shop." He said.

"Of course! Be there in like 30 or 40." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"I'll see you soon." I smiled through the phone.

"Okay bye baby." He said.

"Bye." I said and hung up.

I like the idea of 'babe' and 'baby'. I don't know, it makes me feel warm inside. I got up and did my morning agenda. Brushing my teeth, washing my face etcetera.

I changed into a romper. I put my hair into a side fishtail and put my usual makeup. I slipped on some black leather sandals. (Picture above)

I walked downstairs and decided to text Cam.

Me: coming now

Camsters😚: okay :)

I walked outside and locked my front door. I unlocked my car and got in. When I arrived at Cam's I got out and knocked on the door.

"Hi Bails." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked me on the lips.

"Hi there. Ready?" I asked and he nodded.

We got in my car and I drove us to school. When we arrived, he grabbed my hand and we walked inside the school. I said hi to a few friends and he went over to the football guys. I walked over to Lily and our other friend Sofie.

"Hey guys." I said. Lily and Sofie just smirked at me.

"What?" I asked totally confused.

"Oh come on Bailee you know what we're talking about." Sofie said with Lily nodding in agreement.

"Oh what? Cam? Yeah I know we're dating okay? Okay." I said playfully rolling my eyes. They laughed.

"So! Tell us! What's been goin' on with you guys??" They asked eagerly.

"There's nothing to tell. We're together and it's just like any other relationship." I said as Cam and Nash came over.

"Whatever. I'll see you guys later. Bye!" Sofie said and walked to her first period.

"Hey Cam." I said turning to him.

"Hi baby." He said grabbing my hands and kissing me on the forehead. Then my phone buzzed.

"Hold on." I said and walked away.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh hey honey it's your dad. This is my new work phone. Sorry to call you at school, but we are coming home early and we have some GREAT news!!" He said.

"Okay I can't wait!" I said truthfully. I wonder what the news is. Oh well, we'll see.

"Okay I have to get back. I'll see you at the house! Bye hun oh and make sure you say bye to all of your friends for me!" He said before hanging up.

What did he mean say bye to all my friends for him?

"Who was that?" Cam said as I walked closer to him.

"Just my dad. Him and my mom apparently have "GREAT news!" for me." I said shrugging.

"Oh okay well let's go to first period." He said snaking his arm around my waist.

*skip to end of school*

I walked out of the doors with Cam by my side. We got to my car and got in.

"I'll drop you off at your house is that okay?" I asked Cam.

"Yeah but can we hang out and do homework together? Please?" He said pouting.

"Sorry baby but I have to go home and find out what this news is." I said starting the car.

I backed out and drove to Cam's house. I walked him up and we said our goodbyes.

"Bye bye Cam." I said kissing his plump lips. I loved our little moments like this.

"Bye bye Bails." He said repeating my actions.

I laughed as I walked back down the driveway and back to my car. I was really anxious to hear what the news was. I hope it's good.

I got home and my parents' car was already there. Just like my dad said they'd be. I slowly walked to my from door, kinda afraid as to what was about to happen. I slowly entered and went to the kitchen because I heard talking in there.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I said setting my backpack and keys on the island and sitting on one of the stools.

"Hey honey. Well as you know we have some big, great news!" My mom said excitedly.

"Well what is it?" I said getting nervous.

"Well hun we're moving! Yay!" She said waiting for my reaction.

What the hell just happened.

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