chapter 30

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hi my gorgeous readers! vote and comment! oh and enjoy!

and check out "My Everything"!!!


*a couple months later*

•Bailee's POV•

It's now time for winter break, well for my friends, and I can't wait!! Hailee has been with us this whole time. (I know I said she just got to college but I'm changing it to she just graduated okay? okay.)

She's been blabbing about Will and is super excited to go back to California to see Will for Nash's birthday party. Hailee so desperately wants me to go with her so I can see Nash, Lily, Sofie, and well... Cameron.

I've been thinking about it and I don't know if I should go. I don't even think he would even want to see me. It's been at least 3 months and we haven't talked since. I mean yeah I miss him, like hell. But I told him to not wait for me and I'm pretty sure that already happened.

"Bailee come on, please?" Hailee said shaking me back and forth.

"Okay, okay, okay!! I'll go, but only 'cause I want to see Lily and Sofie and Nash." I said making her stop.

"Okay." She said walking out of my room.

We would be leaving in 2 days so I had time to pack. But hey might as well do it now. I went to my brand new beautiful phone, because mine fell in the toilet and I didn't even get to have a new one till my upgrade, and went on Twitter. Ahh, it's been too long.

I turned on some music and started to pack. I grabbed 2 suitcases. I packed a bunch of shirts, long sleeves, sweats, jeans, leggings, all types of socks, a few jackets, and undergarments. We would staying there for a week or so and I actually can't wait. This should be really fun.

After about an hour or so I was finally finished. So then I decided to make a YouTube video. I decided to sing a Christmas song. I set up my camera and pressed record.

"Hey there my lovelies!

Yes I'm back!!

So as you all know, the holidays are coming up and I wanted to be in that area of music today.

I will be singing "Something in the Air" the Coca Cola Christmas song from 2012." (You guys should really look up the song it's actually a really good song ;) oh and you guys can just skip the lyric part if you want lol)

We can feel it, when we wake up

We're all traveling,

'Cause tonight we're sitting around the table

The holiday when we're able

To raise a Coke in celebration

Tellin' stories of the days when these friends are all we can see

And now our faces gatherin' again to light the tree

'Cause we know this Christmas


There's something in the air, something in the air

Something that keeps us together

Stronger as we share, we came from everywhere

But tonight we all come together.

Music, familiar face

We can't stop the love that keeps us in one place

Something in the air, something in the air

It's Christmas in the air that keeps us together...

I finished the song and said my goodbye. I guess I'll just edit it on the plane. I laid back down on my bed and went on Instagram.

@lilyyyy: I miss you Bai Bai😭😘

It was a pic of Lily and I in First grade. It was too adorable. Little did she know I would see her in 2 days. I was super excited.

"Hey Bailee?" My dad said in my doorway.

"Yup?" I answered.

"Time for dinner." He said.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute." I responded.

I can't wait to go back to Cali.


hey so I'm thinking double update? yup it's settled. see ya in a bit ;)

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