chapter 32

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•Bailee's POV•

"WAKE UP WAKE UP!! COME ON BAILEE ITS CHRISTMAS!!" I heard Sky say as I was peacefully sleeping. I got up and rubbed my eyes as I slightly smiled.

"Okay okay Sky I'm up," I said laughing, "You excited?!" I said pulling her in my arms as she stopped jumping on my bed.

"Yeah!! Come on let's go downstairs!" She said getting out of my grip and off my bed.

"I'll be right there Sky. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said. She nodded and ran out if my room to wake up the others. I went the guest bathroom to do my business. I washed my hands, teeth, and face and went downstairs. I was wearing a white volleyball sweatshirt from my sisters team and red, green, and white plaid pajama pants. My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head. As I came downstairs Sky was sitting on her new tricycle while Nash and Hayes were sitting on the couch on their phones.

"Where's your mom and dad?" I asked.

"Kitchen." They both said without looking up.

"Oh okay." I said giggling and sitting down on the couch with them.

I propped my feet on Hayes's lap. He looked at me and laughed while rolling his eyes. Liz and Chad (I know they're not married anymore so don't give that negative shit lol) came back in and had hot chocolate with them. Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Hailee and Will came down and greeted us.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Hailee said taking a seat on Will's lap when he sat on the couch.

"Are we gonna open these presents?!" Sky said eagerly.

"Okay okay, everyone get their presents and sit with them." Liz said.

We all got our presents and I had only a present from Hailee which I understand considering I came by surprise. But staying at their home was present enough.

"Okay youngest to oldest then repeat." Chad said.

"Okay Sky go ahead." I said as she was on my lap. Her presents were surrounding us. She surprisingly picked out my present I got her. She opened it and gasped seeing a stuffed horse that had a necklace with a candy-cane charm on it hanging from it. The necklace, well mainly the horse, screamed "Skylynn!" material.

"A new HORSIE! Mommy look a horse and a necklace!" She said turning to Liz.

"Wow honey! Who's gift was this?" She asked looking at the necklace.

"Mine." I said grinning.

"Oh my. Bailee thank you so much darlin' it's beautiful!" Liz said.

"THANK YOU BAILEE!" Sky screamed.

"No problem Sky." I said.

*knocking noises*

"I'll go get it." Chad said getting up and over to the door.

"Okay Hayes? Go ahead." Liz said.

"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom." I said excusing myself. I got up and headed towards the restroom. I heard talking and wondered who came. I finished, washed my hands and headed back out. I heard a familiar voice and when I came into the family room I stopped dead in my tracks. There he was.

"Come on Bailee, it's your turn to open a present." Liz said with a smile.

I just stood there looking at him. He was with someone. His arm was around her waist and he just looked at me.

"Oh I'm so sorry. You know Cameron right?" Liz said.

"Yeah." I said fake smiling.

"Oh okay well Cameron why don't you introduce your new girlfriend?!" Liz said excitedly.

The fuck, girlfriend?

"Mom." Nash mumbled.

"Oh stop Nash. Go ahead Cameron." She said smiling.

"Oh um this is Livia. Livia this is Bailee." He said smiling.

'Livia' took her hand out for me to shake. I put on a fake smile and shook her hand.

"Bailee." I said smiling a bit. I slowly made my way to the couch. Then Lily walked in. My mood instantly changed. I ran up to her and wrapped my legs around her as I engulfed her into a bone crushing hug.

"BAILEE!" Lily said loudly.

"LILY!" I said just as loud.

"Oh my gosh I've missed you so much." I said letting go.

"I missed you too. I know you're probably mad that I didn't tell you about Cam." She said whispering the lasts part to me. I slightly smiled and looked down.

"Hey it's okay. I'm here for you." She said as she grabbed my arm and made her way to the couch.

"Okay Bailee open your present from me." Lily said handing it to me. I opened the small box and found a picture with her and I in 3rd grade when it was Twin Day. I lifted the picture and found a charm bracelet it had a 'B' to start off with. (Picture above)

"Awhh Lily thanks!" I said hugging her once again.

*after presents*

"Okay everyone Christmas breakfast! Let's go!"Chad said

We all walked our way to the dining table and sat down. Lily was on my right, Nash to my left and Cameron was right in front of me.

Why do things have to be so awkward?

We all said our prayers and began to eat. We were in silence as Liz began to speak.

"Oh Cameron you haven't told us how you and Livia met yet!" She said.

I mentally rolled my eyes and just kept eating.

"Oh well-" I cut him off by getting up.

"Excuse me." I said.

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