chapter 27

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•Bailee's POV•

"HAILEE!!" I screamed towards my beloved sister.

"BAILEE!!" She screamed just as excited.

I ran to my sister and jumped into her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much Bails." She said in my hair as we stood there hugging. I let go and plopped back on the floor.

"I missed you too! We need to catch up like now! Come on I'll show you my room." I said grabbing her and pulling her upstairs.

"So, like my room?" I asked as we entered.

"Holy shit! Tumblr status!" She said laughing. God I've missed her.

"I know right. I'm still working on the pictures. Want to help?" I asked.

"Yes! Oh and we can take some more right now! Hold on." She said as she left my room. She came back and held a purple Polaroid.

"Oh my gosh! When did you get this?!" I asked grabbing it and looking at it.

"My guy friend got for me." She said blushing a little.

"Oooohh does my sister have a boyfriend?" I asked thinking about Cameron. God I miss him too.

"Maybe. Okay, okay yes, his name is Will." She said.

"Oh my gosh, spill!!" I said grabbing her hands and leading both of us to my bed to sit.

"Okay so I met him in Florida and he plays football. He has two younger brothers and a little sister. Um I think they're names are Nash, Hayes, and Skylynn." She said. Hold up!

"Wait wait wait. Is his name Will Grier?" I asked.

"Yeah how'd you know?" She asked confusingly.

"Oh my gosh! I know them! Well Nash, Hayes, and Sky. Nash and I went to the same school in California." I said.

"Oh that's cool! Wow, what a small world. So I heard you have a guy friend too." She said smirking.

"Well um I did or do or I don't know. We went out when we lived in Cali, but we moved and I told him not to wait for me. So I'm not even sure if we're still together." I said putting my head down.

"Awh, Bailee I'm so sorry. I bet you guys were cute. Do you guys still talk?" She said.

"No. We haven't since I said goodbye. I mean it's only been a day." I said crying a bit now.

"Awh, Bails don't cry. If you guys were really meant to be, then you guys should be able to work things out. But, if nothing really happens then I don't think you should waste your tears on him." She said. She's the best sister I could ever have.

"Thanks Hailee. I really needed this sister talk." I said laughing now.

"No problem baby sis." She said hugging me.

"Sooo have you guys done it yet?" I asked as I pulled away from her and smirking.

"Oh gosh, if you must ask, yes." She said laughing.

Gotta love her.


sorry for the shortness!

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