chapter 46

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•Bailee's POV•

Sh*t. We didn't.

"Crap Lily, we didn't." I said getting scared.

"What?!" She said her eyes going wide.

"Yeah. I don't think we did. At all." I said.

"Bailee. You don't think y-you're?" She said stuttering.

"I don't know." I said.

"Well, are you gonna tell Cam?" She said.

"I don't know if I can." I said.

"You have to though." She said being the responsible friend she is.

"I know I know. Well we don't know for sure. And doesn't it take like a week to make me pregnant?"

"Yeah. We'll wait and in the mean time you can talk to Cameron." She said.

"Okay, okay. How do I tell him? Do you think he'll leave me? What if he doesn't love me anymore?" I said frantically.

"Dude calm down. We all know Cam loves you and wouldn't leave finding out you're pregnant. I actually think he'll be excited. I mean, there'll be a little Cameron and Bailee cooking in there." She giggled.

"Plus you'd make hot babies." She added which made me laugh.

"Okay. That definitely made me feel better." I giggled.

"Good. Now why don't you take your shower and I'll go and make us some sandwiches." She smiled. She's literally the best.

"Thanks love." I said.

I took my shower and changed into my grey sweats, a bandeau with a white muscle tee, and green fuzzy socks. I walked downstairs and saw Lily at the kitchen with the sandwiches. Nash and Cam were also there eating their own food.

"I love you." I said walking in and hugging behind her.

"Sorry babe, but I love Nash more." She said walking over to Nash and kissing him.

"Fine then. I didn't want to say this but, I love Cameron more than you love Nash." I said sticking my tongue out and pecking Cam on the cheek.

"You missed." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed his lips. I tried to pull back but he pulled me back in. I smiled in the kiss and laughed because I could here Nash and Lily yelling,

"Stop!", "Ew!", & "Gross!" They said while throwing bread at us.

"Jesus stop with the bread!" I laughed.

"And don't blame it on me! It was him who pulled me for more!" I added.

"Whatever. Plus I didn't want to witness you making another little Cam and Bailee. I mean it's not like you can. 'Cause you're already preg-" She said quickly but then quickly shut her mouth. We were all laughing until she blabbed. I had wide eyes and awkwardly coughed to break the silence.

"What did you just say?" Cam said seriously.

"Nothing. Nonsense. She said nothing important." I answered quickly.

"No wait she said something." He said standing up and furrowing his eyebrows.

"It was really nothing Cam." Lily said quickly.

"Did you just say Bailee's pregnant?" He said.


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