chapter 25

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Need another book to read? check out my story "My Everything" ? Cameron Dallasssss (;

•Cameron's POV•

She's gone.

It's been 1 hour and I've been home crying in my bed.

I can't believe she gone.

"Cam..." My mom said knocking on the door.

"Hon-.... what's wrong? what happened to you?!" She asked coming to me, starting to rub my back.

"Bailee moved mom." I said sniffling and sitting up next to her.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry." She said hugging me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"No it's okay I just need to relax." I said.

"Okay. Holler for me if you need anything. I'll be downstairs." She said kissing my forehead and wiping tears away. Then she walked out shutting the door behind her.

I went to my tv and watched Friends. I sat back down on my bed and unlocked my phone. I opened twitter and scrolled through my feed. One caught my eye.

@baileerae: I miss you like crazy...

I started to tear, but wiped them away. I need to get out. I texted to Nash.

Me: hey... I need to get out of this house. let's go do something?

I immediately got a response.

Nash: yeah sure buddy. where to?

Me: idk I just need to get out of my room

Nash: how bout my house?

Me: cool be there soon

Nash: k

*end of convo*

I got up and changed out of my sweats into basketball shorts, a green tank top and my vans. I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs.

"Hey mom I'm going to Nash's." I said.

"Okay hun drive safe." She responded.

"I will." I said. I walked outside and got in my car. It took no time to get to his house. I walked up to the door and walked in. I've been to his house several times and now it's like a regular thing.

"Hey man. How are you?" He asked.

"Okay I guess. Just needed to get my mind off of things." I said.

"How bout we invite some people over?" He said.

"Yeah that could help." I said.

"Okay I'll invite the guys and Lily and tell her to bring her friends. That okay?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I shrugged.

•Bailee's POV•

I'm now on the airplane heading to Michigan. I heard it's cold there and I'm not equipped to the cold. Great.

"How are are honey?" My mom asked.

"Eh. I could be better." I said sighing and looking out of the window.

"I know you'll love it there. You can always make some new friends." She said trying to cheer me up. Though I'm positive nothing will cheer me up at this point.

"Well we'll see." I said getting my headphones out and plugging it into my phone.

While listening to music I went on Twitter.

@baileerae: I miss you like crazy...

I tweeted while shedding a few tears. I quickly wiped them away and leaned against the window.

With that I slowly fell asleep.


sorry for the shortness!

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