chapter 11

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Sorry it jumps from the POVs.


•Cameron's POV•

I know it's wrong. I know I shouldn't be with Emily. I don't know what to do. Everybody sees her as a "slut" or a "bitch" but I don't see her that way. She actually loves me. I know it's bad cheating on Bailee. I can't handle it. Emily thinks I'm using Bailee to just ruin her. It was at first, but I really fell for her.

What have I done?

I got distracted from my thoughts by my phone buzzing. I checked and it was a twitter notification.

@emilyrose: so happy to be with you babe😘😘 @camerondallas
<link to picture>

Crap. Bailee could easily see this.

•Bailee's POV•

Now this hurt. I should've known. I'm so stupid. So blind.

Then the door opened and Lily came back in.

•Lily's POV•

Once I was done talking with Nash I came back in with a smile 'cause Nash was being cute.

I walked in, but my smile quickly faded. Bailee was crawled up in a ball, crying.

What the hell happened?

I ran over to her side. "Hey, Bailee what happened?" I asked.

"Cameron." She said in between sobs.

"Wait what?!" I asked completely confused.

She looked up at me. Her eyes were so bloodshot. she handed me her phone.

What the hell did Cameron do to her?

I looked and saw she was on twitter. Emily. Cameron. Dating. How could he?

"I can't believe t-this h-happened t-t-to m-me." Bailee said crying even harder.

"Hey you're gonna get through this okay? Come here." I said. She wrapped her arms around me and cried.

"Let it out." I said rubbing her back.

*hour and fifteen minutes later*

She finally stopped crying and we're now on my bed eating ice-cream watching movies. Now that Bailee has passed the 'sad and depressed stage' she's at the 'mad stage'.

"Why the hell did I fall for this? He's such a bastard, mother fucking, ASSHOLE!" Bailee screamed.

"I know I know just don't break anything." I said trying to lighten the mood. She's been cussing for about fifteen minutes.

"I'm serious. And I'm sorry for cussing you out but you know it's true." She said.

"I know it's fine. That's why I'm here for you." I reassured her.

"Thanks." She said with a small smile.

"So what're you going to do with Cam? I mean, are you gonna let him at least explain himself?" I asked curiously.

•Bailee's POV•

I was hesitant to answer.
"Um, I don't know. I mean you cheat, you cheat. That's as simple as it gets." I responded. Then I realized I finished my water I had with me.

"Hey I'll be back. I'm gonna get another water." I told her. She nodded and I got up. I walked downstairs and heard Lily's mom talking to someone. The voice sounded familiar. I peaked behind the wall, still on the stairs and saw him. The guy who broke me about 2 hours ago.

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