chapter 10

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y'all best go read my other Dallas fanfic "My Everything" <33

•Cameron's POV•

We were on my bed making out when her phone rang. I just ignored it hoping she would too.

"Cam. Let. Me get. My..... Phone." She said in between kisses. well I guess not.

"Hmm." I responded and kept going. Her phone kept buzzing and ringing. She pushed me and rolled over to her phone.

"Hel.. *cough* hello?" She answered.

*Bailee's POV*

"Hello?" I said.

"Um Bailee you ok?" Lily said.

Cam started to kiss my neck. ughhh.

"Oh hey Lily yeah I'm fine just with Cam." I said as I lightly pushed him.

"Stop." I mouthed to Cam. He just laid back down smiling like an idiot.

"Oh well want to go out with me? I really need some girl time." Lily asked.

"Yeah sure be at your house in a few." With that, Cam heard and immediately got up. He then sat on top of me.

"Okay bye, thanks Bails." She said.

"No problem. Bye." She said.

*end of convo*

"Um where do you think you're going?" Cam said.

"I'm going out with Lily now get off of me." I said trying to get up.

"What's the magic word?" He said.

"Please?" I asked.

"Nope, now I will definitely not get up." He said.

"What? Babe I need to go." I said pouting.

"Awhh well you're lucky you're cute when you pout." He said getting off of me.

"I'll see you later, okay?" I asked.

"Mhm to finish what we started." He said smirking.

"Mhm, yeah, nice try." I said.

"Okay... wait what?!" He said.

"Well I'm going to go now. I'll see you tomorrow." I said pecking his cheek and putting my phone in between my sweats and underwear.

"Wait wait wait, so let me get this straight. You're going out with Lily, you tell me we're seeing each other tonight, then you say you'll see me tomorrow and all I get is a kiss on the cheek?!" He said.

I laughed while getting this "lecture" on my way down the stairs and to his door. Him following behind me.

"Fine," I said opening the front door.  "you can have another kiss." I leaned in.

"Thank youuu." He said leaning in too.

I leaned in. His eyes were closed. I then just pecked him again on the cheek.

"Bye!" I said.

"Hey!" He said.

I closed the door leaving him there. Probably shocked at my actions. I laughed and mentally high-fived myself. I got in my car and texted Lily.

Me: hey I'm coming now

Lily😈😚: kay

Then I got another text.

Cameron☺️: you're gonna pay babe

Me: I'd like to see you try

He's so adorable when he's "angry" with me.

*skip car ride*

I got to Lily's, walked to her door and knocked.

"Heyy! Come on let's go to my room." She said.

We walked in her room and talked about random things for about 2 hours. Then Nash called her.

"Hey, sorry Bails it's Nash I'll be right back." Lily said.

"Yeah no problem." I said as she walked to her bathroom. As I waited I checked twitter. One tweet caught my eye.

@emilyrose: (she's the one from the football game)

@emilyrose: so happy to be with you babe😘😘 @camerondallas
<link to photo>

Wait what!?!

The photo was of Cam and Emily.... kissing. Her hands were around Cam's neck and his hands were around her ass.

I lost it. I broke down crying.

You and I | Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now