chapter 31

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here ya go!



*Cali day*

•Bailee's POV•

I woke up to my alarm at 5:45 AM and realized what day it was. I quickly got up and ran to my shower.

We were gonna spend Christmas with the Griers, 'cause of Hailee of course. And plus it's gonna be Nash's birthday. No one knows I'm coming though.

I got in my shower and let the warm water soak my body. It felt good 'cause it snows there. And it's been cold. Once done with all washing and shaving, I got out and quickly grabbed a towel. I dried off and put lotion on my face, arms and legs. I went to my closet and chose an outfit. I grabbed grey sweats, my maroon Standford sweatshirt with a white v-neck under, and my tan UGGs. I put my hair into a messy bun and placed a white bow behind my bun.

I grabbed my suitcases and carry on with me and walked downstairs to find Hailee eating some breakfast sandwich, on her phone. I came over and sat next to her but at the island.

"Who you texting?" I asked grabbing a banana and peeling it.

"Will." She said not looking up from she phone.

She put her phone down and finished her sandwich. And put the plate into the sink. She looked at her phone and turned to me.

"It's 6:30. Ready?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed my suitcases.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked.

"Work, but they know we're going." She reassured me.

We walked outside and called a taxi ahead of time. We were waiting and just stood there.

"Oh hey I found this in one of your shorts when I was doing laundry and forgot to give it to you. I figured it was yours since it said "Love Cameron" on the inside." She said handing me the promise ring Cam had gotten me before we left.

I totally forgot that I left it in those shorts. I grabbed it and slightly smiled.

We saw the taxi pull up so we put our luggage away and got in.

*skip car ride*

We were now on the plane headed to Cali. Hailee got her phone out and opened the front face camera.

"Selfieeeee." She said holding her phone out.

I laughed and smiled widely while squinting my eyes (😁). She laughed and took the picture. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the notification.

@haileejacobs: I love my sister👭✌🏼

I liked it and put my headphones in while the plane took off. I let sleep take over me.

*3 hours later*

"Wake up Bailee." Hailee said shaking me.

"Urgh, okay okay I'm up." I said rubbing my eyes and getting up.

We grabbed our carry ons and made our way off of the plane. She said Will would be picking her up. We walked to get our suitcases and found, who I suspected was Will.

"Will!!" Hailee screamed running towards him.

I laughed and walked up to them. They were in the middle of a little make out sesh as I walked over.

"Bailee this is Will, Will this is my sister Bailee." She said.

"So this is Bailee? It's great to meet you!" He said pulling me in for a hug. I gladly accepted.

"Haha, yeah same here. So shall we go?" I said.

"Yup. Nash will be so excited to see you guys." He said as he helped Hailee with her stuff and grabbed her free hand. They were so cute.

We walked to Will's truck and put everything in the back. I got in the back seat, while Hailee and Will in the front. We got to Nash's house in no time and Will quickly went inside to blindfold Nash. He came back out to get our things as we came inside. I went inside and found Liz about to scream, but I quickly shushed her. I went behind Nash as he was totally confused.

"Why the hell do I have a blindfold Will?!" He said with his arms out.

"Hamilton Grier! Language please!" Liz said at him.

"Okay okay but seriously why the blindfold?!" He said.

I came behind him and whispered, "Happy early birthday present." I took his blindfold off.

"BAILEE!" He screamed.

"NASH!" I screamed back. I hugged him as he lifted me off the ground.

"Oh my gosh what are you doing here?!" He asked.

"Oh you know just spending Christmas and someone's birthday here for a few weeks." I said.

"Yay!!" He said.

Hailee came in with Will, his arm around her waist.

"Mom, Nash, this is Hailee. My girlfriend." Will said.

"Awh hun it's great to finally meet you!" Liz said hugging her.

"Nice to meet you too." Hailee responded smiling widely.

Nash dragged me upstairs to his room and sat me on his bed.

"So have you thought about seeing him again?" He said. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I don't know. I know he'll be here for your birthday so I'd see him sooner or later, but I'm not sure. We'll see how it goes I guess." I said shrugging. He nodded.

What will happen?


woohoo! double update!

OMG thank you sooooooo much for almost 600 reads that's amazing!!

well hope you enjoyed!

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