chapter 23

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•Bailee's POV•

"Wake up." I heard someone say.

I groaned and rolled to my side putting a pillow on my face.

"Bailee get up!" He said as I realized it was Cam.

I groaned once again and grabbed one of my stuffed bears and threw it at him.

"Hey!" He said taking the blankets off of me.

"Ahhh! Cold, cold, cold. Okay okay I'm getting up now." I said as I shivered and got up.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes then stretched. And yawned. I ran to my closet and got one of Cam's sweatshirts that he left here. It was perfect 'cause it went just over my butt and was super comfy and warm.

"Awh, now don't you just look adorable." Cam said coming over to me.

I started to walk away to get some boxes downstairs when Cam smacked my ass. I turned around and sarcastically smiled at him.

"Come on. Help me with boxes? " I asked holding my hand out for him to take.

He gladly took it and we walked downstairs and downstairs again to the basement. We got some empty boxes and walked back upstairs.

"So what first?" He asked looking around.

"Clothes." I said.

"Okay." He said going to one of my drawers.

Of course he chose the one with my undergarments inside. Before I could stop him he had wise eyes as he opened the drawer.

"Um how come I've never seen you in these." He said grabbing one of my laced thongs and smirking.

"Stop. Don't get any ideas." I said snatching it away from him and putting it back.

"I'll just pack those drawers by myself later." I said pushing towards my closet where most of my dresses were.

"Awh. But I-" I cut him off.

"No no no, no buts. you'll see me in them sooner or later." I said winking and turning away to one of my bigger drawers and started putting shirts and tanks and that stuff in boxes.

*about 2 hours later*

I plopped on the bed with Cam plopping on top of me.

"Get offfffff." I said trying to push him away.

He just smirked and started to lean in. He got close to where I could feel his hot minty breath on my face.

"When can I see you in this." he said holding up my laced thong from earlier.

"Cameron Alexander!" I said laughing trying to get him up.

Instead he just sat up, but sat on my stomach.

"You'll see me when the time is right." I said playing with his hands.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." He said holding my hands.

"I know. I will too." I said about to shed a tear.

It was just about to fall when he quickly wiped it away.

"You're too pretty to cry." He said smiling sympathetically at me.

"I know it's just hard Cam. I don't know how I could survive not hugging you everyday, kissing you, or just fe-" I was then cut off.

He smashed his lips against mine cutting me off. I didn't hesitate to kiss back.

*another 2 hours later*

It's now 1:00 and Cam and I have been watching Netflix. I was now on his lap and he kept playing with my hair. I was so focused on The Notebook, but then Cam started to kiss my neck.

"Um can you not?" I said laughing, still trying to concentrate on the movie.

"Okay, okay." He laughed pecking my neck and then staying focused on the movie.

You and I | Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now