chapter 37

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•Bailee's POV•

"Movie?" Cam asked.

"Movie." I said.

"I'll go get some popcorn if I can find some and you find a movie yeah?" I asked going up to him.

"Yup." He said kissing my nose.

I walked outside of the room to the kitchen and grabbed some popcorn out of one of the cabinets. I put it in the microwave and sat on the counter until it was ready.

*beep beep beep*

I grabbed the popcorn and put it into a bowl. I grabbed two waters and some M&Ms. My favorite. As I walked back to the room I heard moans coming from Nash's room upstairs.

Oh god.

"Use protection!!" I yelled and laughed.

"Shut the hell up Bailee!" I heard Lily say.

I cracked up all the way to my, well, the guest bedroom. I got in and Cam was laughing too.

"You he-heard?" I said still laughing. He just bursted out laughing too.

"I know I know. Okay, whew, okay, what movie?" I asked wiping a few tears away.

"World War Z?" He suggested.

"Oh I haven't seen that movie yet! Is it good? I heard it was good." I said.

"Oh yeah you'll love it." He said.

I smiled and crawled next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close.

I screamed suddenly. His grip got tighter on me as I buried my face in his chest. I looked back up and it was safe.

A couple zombies were chasing Gerry's family in the apartment building. It was pretty terrifying.

•Cameron's POV•

*movie just finished*

Bailee is now asleep on my lap. She's so adorable with her mouth slightly open and her little snores. I didn't want to wake her so I just tried to squeeze my way down to at least lie down and her head on my stomach/chest.

I tightened my arms around her and tried pulling her close with out waking her. Of course it didn't work.

"Go back to sleep Bails." I said.

"Mmm what?" She said sleepily.

"Just go back to sleep." I said.

"Mmkay." She said and her snores came back.

I giggle and closed my eyes.

*Next morning, still Cameron's POV*

I woke up with Bailee sprawled on top of me. Her arm was now around my waist, and her legs tangled into mine. I giggled and tried to get up. I actually had to pee badly.

"Bailee." I whispered.

No answer.

"Bailee." I said slightly shaking her now.

Still no answer.

"Baileeeee." I dragged. She just groaned now tightening her grip even more.

"Bailee I have to pee." I whined.

"Nope, you can't pee." She said sleepily.

"Please baby." I said.

"Nope." She said.

"Bailee please." I said.

"Nope you have to stay with me right here." She said.

"Do you seriously want me to pee on you?" I said.

"No, but you have to hold it. You're not leaving me." She said.

"I'll come right back i promise." I said.

"Fine." She said letting go and sitting up.

I got up and stretched then began to make my way towards the bathroom. Then she smacked my ass.

"Woah." I said rubbing my butt.

"You have a cute butt." She smirked.

"Awh thanks you do to baby." I said kissing her cheek and going back to the bathroom.

She's too cute.

You and I | Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now