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« 2   months   ago»

      Aliyah had recently taken a pregnancy test after having her period come late and morning sickness. The test results came back showing '+'.

      Aliyah knew her and Luke weren't ready for a baby, they are both only eighteen and fresh out of high school, plus Luke was getting big with his band 5 Seconds of Summer. And throwing a baby into all of that wouldn't be any good.

      But, in Aliyah's family they never believed in giving up babies for adoption or abortion. So, now what is Aliyah going to do? Her and Luke have been dating for about a year and a half and Aliyah is nervous that telling Luke the news will ruin the relationship. But, she's going to have to tell him someday, right?

      Today Luke and Aliyah were meeting up at the local park to sit and talk. Luke said that he had some very important things to discuss with Aliyah.

      Aliyah drove over to the park and saw Luke sitting at a bench, waiting for her. She parked and walked over to where Luke was sitting. "Hey," She greeted him, quietly. He looked up, showing his amazing blue eyes. "Hey, Aliyah." He greeted, a small smile on his face.

      Aliyah sat down across from Luke. "What did you need to talk to me about?" She asked, her nerves getting the best of her. Aliyah decided that since Luke was telling her very important things, she'll tell him about the baby on the way. "5 Seconds of Summer is going on tour with One Direction," Luke answered, playing with his fingers.

      "That's great news, babe!" Aliyah smiled, she was actually really proud of how far the boys had come and how far that they'll get.

      Luke's small smile quickly turned into a frown as Aliyah used the pet name 'babe'. "But, the guys and I will be gone for quite a while and we'll be very busy." Luke explained, hoping she was catching on to what he was getting at.

      "Oh, well what's your point?" Aliyah asks, a confused look coming upon her face. "I won't have time for you anymore." Luke frowned, he hated that he has to break up with Aliyah and break her heart. Luke loves Aliyah a lot, and probably always will.

      "Well, you can make time for me, you know." Aliyah says in responce. She didn't like where this conversation was going, mainly because she is pregnant with his child and she's madly in love with Luke.

      "Aliyah, i've spent all week trying to put the words together. I love you so much and you know that, but the distance that's going to come with tear us apart and will ruin our relationship. I want to end it now in a easier way and on a good note." Luke explained, his fingers brushing against Aliyah's.

      "Don't do this, Luke. I- I love you so much, you can't break up with me." Aliyah pleaded, tears slid down her face. Luke put his head down as a tear slid down his face as well. "I love you too, Aliyah. But this is for the best. I'll check up on you everytime i'm in town. I'm sorry," He said before he got up and walked over to his car, got in and drove off.

      Aliyah sat down on the bench and cried. What will she do now? She never got the chance to say she was pregnant. All she could hope was that being a single mother won't be as hard as it seemed.



This story will start soon, not yet but very soon.

I hope you liked the preview I gave you and will read more of it soon.

Oh and Aliyah is pronounced A-Lee-Ah.




Pregnant By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now