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here's a update


| Luke's Point Of View |
s a t u r d a y (two days until tour)

I'm trying to spend as much time with Aliyah and Audrey as possible. Leaving for tour in two days is complete bullshit - management is fucking stupid.

Anyways, today i'm having a daughter and dad day. I'm taking Audrey out to get lunch, then to the park.

"Audrey, you almost ready?" I called out. "Hold on daddy." she yelled back in response.

Lately Audrey has started calling me 'daddy' more and i'm still getting used to being a actual dad, but I honestly love it.

A few minutes passed and Audrey walked over towards me. "Let's go, nowww." she grabbed my hand and tried pulling me.

I chuckled at the sight. "Alright, let's go baby girl."


"Can I have chicken nuggets with pizza and juice?" Audrey asked the waiter with hopeful eyes.

"Sure thing, sweetie. What can I get you?" The waiter replied with a smile.

"I'll have the same."

She nodded. "Your food will be out shortly." After that was said, she walked away.

"I have a question, Auds."

She turned her head to look at me. "I just want your approval." I started. She nodded and smiled.

"How would you feel if I asked your mom to marry me?"

Audrey stared at me - most likely not understanding. "Um sure. I don't care." she shrugged me off.

I laughed slightly. I have been thinking a lot about asking Aliyah to marry me these past few days.

I mean, I love her, she loves me, and we also have a child together so why not get married?

I don't know, I don't want her to reject me.

"Here's your food."


"Swing with me, daddy!" My three year old daughter shouted.

I smiled and got on the swing that was next to her and began swinging.

"Hey baby girl?"

"Yes daddy?"

I stopped swinging and stopped her swing too. "I have some bad news."

"Bad news?"

"Yeah, Auds. The boys and I will be leaving for tour soon, and I won't see you for a while." I told her.

"That means you won't be tucking me in a night? No bed time story?" Her eyes began to look glossy.

"Awe baby girl-"

She cut me off. "You can't go. Daddy you can't leave me and momma." she cried.

I grabbed her and hugged her tight. "I'm not leaving forever, only a few months. Then after tour, i'll be back, protecting you and mommy."

Audrey cried into my shoulder as I patted her back. "I love you, Auds. So much."

"I love you too, daddy."


| Aliyah's Point Of View |

I sat on the couch with Ashton, just talking.

"So, I know I really shouldn't bring this up, but it's bothering me." Ashton suddenly spoke.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at him.

"You know how I basically confessed my love for you?" He questioned.

I nodded, awkwardly. "Well, I still have strong, strong feels for you, Aliyah. I tired making them go away, but they won't. You're just so loveable, and it's hard not to be in love with you. You-"

I cut him off by raising my hand up. Believe it or not, if I never was with Luke, I would give Ashton a chance.

But, I can't do that to Luke - or Audrey.


"I already know what you're going to say, Aliyah. I already fucking know that I can't have you, I already know that Luke's the love of your life. I fucking know." Ashton yelled, then stormed off.

I put my head in my hands, then flinched when I heard Ashton slam the door.

I feel terrible. Like I love Ashton, just not anymore than a friend.

A few seconds later, Luke and Audrey can giggling into the hotel room.

"Hey momma!" Audrey ran up and kissed my cheek. "Hi baby." I kissed her cheek too, then she ran off to find Calum.

"Hey, beautiful. What's wrong?" Luke sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing's wrong."

"I can obviously tell something's wrong, Aliyah. I'm not stupid." Luke said, looking me in the eyes.

I sighed. "Ashton told me that he still loves me, and before I could respond, he yelled then left. I feel like a horrible person."

Luke's turned from annoyed, to straight faced.

"Why do you feel like a horrible person? It's not your fault that he fell in love with you." Luke questioned, looking annoyed again.

"Because I don't love him back and rejection sucks." I sighed, leaning my head onto Luke's chest.

He ran his fingers through my hair and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Maybe you need a four hour nap and forget about your problems." he suggested.

I nodded in agreement. "Okay babe, close your eyes. I'll be here when you wake up." He smiled warmly, looking down at me.

"I love you, Luke."

"And I love you, Aliyah."


that was a shit ending sorry

i dont feel good about this chapter omfg

anyway like two more chapters left???

i also deleted "pregnant by cameron dallas" bc i wasnt feeling that story no

why do you guys even like this story?? it's stupid ew my grammar sucks

i wanna start asking you guys questions ok so answer them

fave color?

mines aquamarine bc birthstone and its so pretty

if any of you have any questions or anything dont be afraid to ask them

also some of you couldn't see chapter seventeen so when that happens just delete the story from your library then add it again ok

be sure to answer my question

bye ⊂(^(工)^)⊃

Pregnant By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now