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heres a update


| Luke's Point Of View |

The next morning

I woke up with my arm wrapped around Aliyah as she slept peacefully. I love waking up to her in the mornings, it makes my day even before it actually starts.

I moved slowly, trying my best not to wake her up. I slid out of bed without waking Aliyah, and went out to the kitchen.

"Morning, Luke." Michael spoke from the dining table. "Morning." I mumbled as I grabbed to mugs to make coffee for Aliyah and myself.

"Have you and Ashton worked things out?" he asked as he crunched on some cereal. "No, not until he stops trying to take Aliyah and Audrey away from me." I replied with a eye roll.

"Well you two better act like normal because we have to talk to management later on today." Michael told me.

I hate talking to management, all of them are assholes. They try and make us do shit that we don't want to do.

"Fun," I simply replied with shrug. "You have to tell them about Audrey." he pointed out.

"I know that, Michael." I groaned. I hate when he tells me things that I already know.

He rolls his eyes and continues to eat his cereal.

I finish making the coffee and take the two mugs back into my room. I sat them down on the night stand and gently tapped Aliyah's shoulder.

"Rise and shine, beautiful. I made you coffee." I kissed her forehead. She groaned and pushed me away. "Shut up, Luke." she pulled the covers over her head.

"Oh, I tried to be cute and wake you up. But, now i'm gunna jump on the bed and wake you up." I got onto the bed and began jumping.

"Wake up, wake up!" I laughed as I jumped. Aliyah stayed under the covers.

The door opened and Audrey walked in with a huge smile. "I help you!" she giggled cutely then climbed onto the bed.

We both jumped. "Wake up momma!" Audrey yelled as she jumped and giggled. "Yeah, wale up momma." I yelled too and jumped.

Aliyah laughed and pulled off the covers. "Okay! I'm up."

"Jump with us momma." Audrey said to Aliyah. Aliyah stood up and all three of us jumped around the bed together.


"I seriously don't want to talk to management." Calum groaned as we all walked into the building we were meeting at.

((a/n: i have no clue how any of the management stuff works or any of the names so just go with it))

We were lead into a room and all four of us sat down on the black leather couch.

"Ahh, hello boys." Frank, the head of the management spoke as he stood in front of us.

"Hi." we all reply simply, not really wanting to talk to him, or be here whatsoever.

"We have alot to discuss, follow me." he told us as he walked out of the room. We all followed behind him.

We ended up in a very large office. "Have a seat." he said with a straight face as he sat at his desk.

"I am not pleased with you boys at all." he rolled his eyes and sat his feet on top of his desk.

"What the fuck did we do now?" Michael sat up, looking at him.

Pregnant By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now