✞ two ✞

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|| A/N ; I did this on my phone so sorry if it's bad & if there's any mistakes or anything. ||

Aliyah's Point Of View ✞

After eating pizza with Ashton, him and I decided to take Audrey to the park that was about five mintues away from here.

"Momma, I go down the slide, okay?" Audrey says from the top of the playground. "Yeah, go ahead baby girl. Ashton's going to catch you at the bottom." I called up to her.

She nods and slides down the slide and ends up in Ashton's arms smiling. "Wooo! I did it, I did it!" Audrey cheers happily. I smile and clap my hands as Ashton kisses her cheek then sits her down so she can run and play.

I took a seat down on the bench and kept a eye on Audrey as Ashton sat across from me. "Are you nervous about the Luke thing tomorrow?" Ashton questions me, a small smile on his face.

I sighed and bit my lip. "Of course i'm nervous." I reply. "What if he doesn't want to be a part in Audrey's life, Ash? What if he hates me? What if he doesn't believe that Audrey is his daughter?" I asked him as a tear slid down my face.

I honestly don't know what i'll do if Luke doesn't want anything to do with Audrey. It'll be the worst thing that could possibly happen, like Audrey needs a father figure in her life and it's bad enough that Luke already missed the first three years in her life.

Ashton sighed and looked like he was deep in a thought. "Aliyah, if worst comes to worst then I-" He looked down. "Nevermind," He says quickly and looked away.

What? What was he gonna tell me?

"No, tell me, it's okay." I tell him, with a warming smile on my face. Ashton turned around and looked me in the eyes. "If Luke decides to be an asshole and doesn't want to be a father figure in Audrey's life, then I will." Ashton exclaims with a dimpled smile.

What did he mean by that? I don't completely understand. "What are you saying?" I asked, not sounding rude but sounding curious if that makes any sence. "Nothing, forget I even said anything." He replied, dropping the smile from his face.

"Ash-" Interrupting me, Audrey ran over to us. "Momma, I'm cold." Audrey told me, her cheeks red from the coldness. "Okay baby, ready to go?" I asked her. She nods quickly and grabbed my hand to try and pull me. "Well, you drive safe and tell me how tomorrow goes. Love you both." Ashton says as he stands up. "You drive safe aswell and I will, love you too."

And with that being said, we parted ways. Ashton went over to his car, got in and drove off. I grabbed Audrey's hand and walked to my car and strapped her into her car seat. I got in next and drove to the apartment.

Once we got home, I checked the time seeing that it was passed 8:00pm, meaning Audrey's bedtime. "Come on baby girl, bedtime." I told her, she simply nodded and followed me into her bedroom. I helped her change into her pajamas and layed her into her bed.

"Momma, tomorrow can I watch Big time rush in morning?" she asks, showing her best puppy dog eyes. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Of course baby, now close your eyes and sleep the night away. I love you," I reply as I cut on her princess night light and walked towards the door. "I love you too, momma" she says as I walk into my room. I change and get in bed.

Tomorrow is the day. The day that Luke finds out, but what Ashton told me earlier kept coming to mind. "If Luke decides to be an asshole and doesn't want to be a father figure in Audrey's life, then I will." Those words are replaying in my mind, like what does he mean by that?

My thoughts were soon gone as sleep took over my body.


"Momma! Wake up!" I heard Audrey shout from next to me. I jumped up thinking something was wrong. "What's going on? Are you alright?" I asked her as I pulled her onto my bed. Audrey giggled her adorable giggle. "I fine momma. I just want you awake,"

I sighed and smiled at her. "Come on, i'm sure you're hungry," I stood up and glanced at the clock seeing it was past 12:00pm, Gosh I slept really long.

She nods and runs out to the small kitchen. "Cereal! Cereal!" Audrey yells while sitting at the mini table in the dining room area. "Okay, hold on." I chuckled and grabbed her a small purple bowl and the milk and Lucky charms - her favorite. Once done, I sat the bowl in front of her and handed her a spoon. "Enjoy and please don't make a mess."

She nods and digs in as I walk into the living room and sat down. I'm really nervous about seeing Luke, not only telling him about Audrey, but it's been three whole years. He probably has a new girlfriend who's way better to him, way prettier and skinner. "MOMMA!" Audrey screams from the dining room, causing the inner mother in me to run over to her. "What's wrong?!"

Audrey points to her cereal and giggles. "I done," she smiles, her dimples showing. I sighed and grabbed her bowl. "Babes, you gotta stop screaming like that, do you wanna give me a heart attack?" I look her. She shakes her head quickly. "I sowwy, no heart attack pwease." I kiss her head then put her dish in the dish washer.

"Let's get changed, okay?" she nods and walks into her room as I follow behind. I pulled out leggings, a long sleeved blue t-shirt that reads 'i'm the queen bow down' and black boots. I helped her changed then brushed her hair into a side pony tail. I walked her into the bathroom as we both brushed our teeth.

When done, Audrey struts her way into the living room to watch Big time rush - her favorite one is Carlos. I walked into my room, putting on skinny jeans and a band t-shirt with black vans. I put my hair into a messy bun and didn't bother with make up.

I checked the time seeing it was 1:45pm. I went out and sat beside Audrey and watched Big time rush with her. It was the one when Joe was leaving Kendall to go on a trip and the boys sang Worldwide in the airport. ((a/n; idc i like big time rush & that's my favorite episode. judge all you want))

"Wordwise, wordwise," Audrey sang, causing me to laugh. "Babes, it's worldwide." I told her with a chuckle. She shrugs and continues singing.


The clock turned to 3:00, this is it. This is really going to happen, Luke is really going to find out about Audrey finally.

Anyway, currently Audrey is taking a nap in her room as I heard a knock on my front door. Butterflies in my stomach were going crazy and my heart was thumping. I slowly got up and walked over to the door opening it up to find a new Luke that has changed so much from three years ago.

His smile on his facing never leaving as I opened the door more to let him in. He walked in and went into the living room where Audrey made a mess that I didn't clean yet. "Sorry about the mess," I spoke as I sat down. "You can sit, you know," I told him as he sat down on the other couch.

"How have you been?" he asks, playing with his thumbs. "Um, getting there. You?" I reply, a small smile on my face.

Why does he have to make this so awkward? Oh wait, he's Luke fucking Hemmings, he's always awkward.

"Great actually," he spoke, his beautiful blue eyes staring into my brown ones. I nodded and smiled, looking down to break our eye contact.

"Anything new?" he questioned, but before I could answer, "MOMMA!" Audrey yelled from her room. Luke's face has confused written all over it.

"Be right back," I said quickly and ran into Audrey's room to see her crying. "What's wrong baby girl?" I asked as I picked her up. "I missed you momma," she sobbed into my shirt. I rocked her back and forth, "I wasn't going anywhere,"

I calmed her down and took her to the kitchen and gave her a banana. "Aliyah, since when did you have a kid?" Luke asks, a confused look on his face.

"Luke, her name is Audrey and she's our kid." I told him. His eyes widen. "Why are you lying? I haven't seen you in what? Three years," Luke snapped at me. I flinched at his tone. "She's our kid, Luke." I snapped back.

Luke shook his head, "I don't see why you're making up shit, I knew I shouldn't have come here." And with that, he was out the door.

Thank you all for the votes! Hope you liked this. And again, i'm sorry if there's any mistakes i did this on my phone so. ✞

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