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this is the last official chapter of this story ): the next chapter will be the epilogue then i'll do a thank you chapter


| Luke's Point Of View |

m o n d a y ( day the boys leave)

Today was the day I was dreading. I mean, I'm happy to see the fans and do concerts, but I'm not ready to leave Aliyah and Audrey.

I wish they both could come with us, but Aliyah is trying to find a job and Audrey is starting preschool as soon as she turns four.

I really want to be around when she starts school and all that, because I missed everything else.

I've grown so close to Audrey, and I never thought you could love someone so much after a few short days.

Audrey is my baby girl and I never wanna let her go.

Aliyah - Aliyah is the love of my life. I didn't think I would fall so hard for her, but I did and I wouldn't change it.

"Luke, babe. You've been staring at the wall for like ten minutes. Are you okay?" Aliyah tapped my shoulder, speaking to me softly.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." I turned to her, giving her a half smile.

She nodded and kissed my cheek. "Well, Calum told me to tell you that all of your flights leave around 6pm."

I groaned and looked at the clock. It was only 12pm, which is only a few more hours with my girls - which isn't close to enough.

"Where's Audrey?" I asked her, once I noticed she wasn't in my room.

"She's in the living room singing with Michael." Aliyah laughed slightly. "It's the cutest thing."

I smiled as she laughed. "Let's go out there then."

"Before we go, Ashton is out there. Everyone is still cool, so keep it that way." She told me sternly.

I nodded and continued walking out to the living room.

Once we were there, I saw Audrey and Michael singing into the remotes to Ariana Grande.

(( a/n: sorry ariana grande is one of my queens so no hate or i'll end you ))

"Almost, almost is never enough,so close to being in love." Audrey sang loudly as Michael cheered her on.

Her cute little voice is too adorable. Maybe when she's older she can be a singer just like me.

"Singing is one of her favorite things to do." Aliyah told me as she leaned her head against my arm - she wasn't tall enough for her head to lean on my shoulder.

"Maybe one day she'll be a famous singer," I spoke, hoping I could make that happen for her once she's older.

The song soon ended and Audrey turned towards Aliyah and I.

"Momma, daddy! Did you like me singing?" she asked as she ran up to me.

I picked her up and kissed her head.

"No, we loved it!"


"Our flight should be boarding soon." Ashton spoke. "We'll give you three some space."

Calum, Ashton and Michael walked away for a bit, so I could talk to Aliyah and Audrey.

"So, daddy's gonna be going away for a while." I started, but Audrey interrupted.

"Where?! No!" Audrey shouted, causing people to start turning heads.

"Is that - that Luke fucking Hemmings!?"

"Crap. I forgot about fans." I mumbled under my breathe.

"Aw! Luke, is that your daughter?? She's is the cutest!"

"Luke! Marry me! I love you!"

"Luke Robert Hemmings!"

"Luke, can you father my children?!?"

((a/n: literally same))

"Ew! Is that the girl you're with? She's fucking ugly! You can do way better."

"Hold up, who said that?" That person just crossed the line.

Alot of the fans at this point were circled around all three of us. Aliyah seemed hurt and annoyed - meanwhile Audrey seemed to love the attention.

Nobody spoke a word.

"Well, whoever said that was wrong, very wrong. Aliyah is absolutely beautiful. She's the love of my life and you guys are going to have to except that fact that I have a girlfriend and a daughter. Now, if you guys are so called 'true fans' then you all will except that and be happy for me. And don't cuss in front of my daughter. I love you all to death, but I'm trying to say a few things to my family before I leave, so please excuse us." I spoke to the crowd.

"Slay, Luke. Slay." A girl clapped before blowing a kiss to me, then leaving just like the rest of the group.

"You called us a family." Aliyah finally spoke after a while.

"Yes, because we are one, and I hope one day - sometime soon, I can marry you, then we'll add on to our family and live happily ever after."

| Aliyah's Point Of View |

"I would love for that happen, right Auds?"

"Duh momma! I want baby brothers and sisters!" She giggled her adorable giggle.

"God, I'll miss you guys so, so much." Luke sighed, leaning his head against Audrey.

"Flight 610 is now boarding."

((a/n: idk how the airport works so))

"I'll facetime, call, text, tweet, anything everyday. I promise. I love you guys." Luke kissed Audrey on the cheek, then kissed my lips.

"We'll be looking forward to it. Love you too!" I replied as I held Audrey's hand as Luke sat her down.

Michael, Ashton and Calum ran over us.

"We'll miss you guys!" Calum gave me a hug first. "I'll miss you, Aliyah. I'll miss your cooking too."

I laughed. "Of course. I'll miss you too."

I gave Michael a hug next, then Ashton.

"I'm sorry for all the bullshit I've caused. I'll miss you!"

I hugged Ashton back and told him I'd miss him too.

All the boys hugged Audrey and soon started walking towards the boarding plane.

Luke blew one last kiss before walking onto the plane.

All I know is, he better keep his promise this time.




but i'll post the epilogue probably tomorrow

thanks for everything


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