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| Ashton's Point Of View |

I knew sending Aliyah that full message of how I felt about her was a mistake. I knew that she'd probably show Luke and that'd add more drama.

I really shouldn't even like Aliyah, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

The sad thing is that she loves Luke and not me.

I just want what's best for her and Audrey. Luke isn't fit to be a father, nor a boyfriend.

I just want Aliyah to see that already. She doesn't derserve to be hurt by Luke again. She deserves somebody who will actually be there for her and Audrey. Not somebody who will say they'll be there and not be.

But i'm hoping one day she'll see. She'll open her eyes and realize that i'm the one for her. And if not, then i'll have to move on. It'll hurt, but i'll have to move on.

Anyway, I know I told Michael that I was going to find a girl to sleep with tonight, but i'm not. I have way to much respect for girls than to treat them like shit, all girls derserve the best.

Instead of looking for girls to talk to, I went to the local mall and walked around for a bit.

"Oh my god, you're Ashton Irwin!"

I sighed and turned around knowing that they'll be a bunch of fans.

Instead I turn around and see only two beautiful girls.

"Hey, that's me." I smiled at them. They returned the smile and walked closer.

I took a few pictures with them and followed them both of twitter. After that, I made a lame excuse that I had to leave.

"Wait, I have one question." The girl asked, her name was Lizzy.

"Sure, ask it."

"Luke has a baby?"

I was taken back by this question. How'd the fans know? Did management know too?

"Yeah, he actually does. How'd you find out?" I questioned her. "Calum said it to some fans at the park earlier and everyone went crazy on twitter. But thanks for everything, you made my life." And with those words, her and her friend walked off.

I left the mall after that, I didn't want to be mobbed today. I called a cab and drove back to the hotel.


| Aliyah's Point Of View |

"Audrey, baby eat your food." I basically begged her. "No momma, I not eat." She huffed and pushed her plate of beef stew away.

"Audrey, you need to eat." I said as I sat down next to her. "No. I want daddy." She pouted.

I sighed. "Luke!" I called to him. A few seconds later he walked into the kitchen. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Audrey wants you," I told him. He smiled and sat on the other side of her. "Hey Audrey,"

"NO!" She shouted, scaring both Luke and I. "I WANT DADDY!" She yelled again.

"I'm here love." Luke said, grabbing her hand only to have her snatch it away.

"NO! DADDY ASH-ASH!" She screamed. Luke's face went pale and he stormed out of the kitchen.

"Audrey, listen honey. Luke is your daddy, not Ashton." I spoke to her, hoping she'd understand.

"I want daddy Ash-Ash," she whined.

"If you eat, i'll get him."

She smiled widely and began eating.

I pulled out my phone and went to Ashton's contact name.

To Ashton

where are you at

From Ashton

i'm on my way to the hotel why

To Ashton

audrey wants "daddy ash-ash"

From Ashton

i'm not even her father

To Ashton

i know that you dumbass, she just wants you okay? can you explain that youre not her father too? please and thank you

I rolled my eyes and sat my phone down beside me. "Ashton's coming, baby girl. And again, he's not your daddy."

She smiled and shrugged. I kissed her forehead. "I love you muffin,"

"Love you too, momma." she replied.

After a few mintues, Ashton walked into the kitchen and sat next to Audrey. "ASH-ASH," she yelled once she saw him.

"Hey beautiful," he smiled and sat her down on his lap.

I smiled at them, then got up and walked to Luke's room to see if he was okay.

"Luke?" I called out once I walked inside his room.

"Leave me alone, Aliyah."

"Luke, I just want to see if you're okay."

"Get out of my room."

((a/n: get out me car))



I jumped a little from his outburst, but quickly nodded and walked out.

"Luke seems like he's on his monthly. Calum did you pick up tampons? Luke's on his period." Michael spoke as he saw me walk past.

I laughed a little and decided that I wanted to be sneaky.

I walked over to the kitchen door and pressed my ear against it.

"I love your mother, very much. But she doesn't love me back, she loves your actual father. So i'm not your daddy, but I can be your best friend." I heard Ashton's voice.

"Why she not love you back?"  Audrey's voice spoke.

"I don't know baby girl, I don't know."

I backed away from the kitchen door, I think i've heard enough.

I didn't know Ashton loved me, I thought he liked me not love. That's big, and it confuses me.

Do I love Ashton? Is there feelings there? But, I have Luke. Luke's my baby's dad and my love.

Ashton's just confusing my feelings.


this was short?? oops

and this isnt edited bc lazy

i'd like to thank you guys for reading and voting

some of your comments are v cute and they make my day so comment what you think?

anyway yeah so


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