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whoop whoop i got out a school early so here's a update for you lovely readers enjoy

| Aliyah's Point Of View |

After Luke left the hotel I stay seated in the kitchen. I'm confused as hell, and Ashton's sitting next to me smirking to himself.

((a/n: the fuck you smirkin at bitch))

"Why are you smirking?" I turned to look at Ashton. "What did you do?"

Ashton's smirk dropped from his face and he tried to play it cool. "I'm not smirking, and I didn't do anything at all." he replied.

((a/n: lie again, ashton and i'll end you))

"Oh, I just thought you were up to something." I responded, getting up and walking to the kitchen door.

He simply nodded in responce. "Well, i'm going to see where Luke went." I told him. He rolled his eyes, but nodded.

I half smiled at him, then quickly made my way out of the hotel.

| Luke's Point Of View |

After storming out of the hotel, I decided to go to the club - to get drink and forget about all my worries and troubles.

I sat alone at the bar, sipping at my beer. It's nice to forget about all the struggles and the problems for a while.

"Is this seat taken?"

I look back to see a girl - she looked about no older than twenty-two. She had bright green eyes with black hair and a tight short cut dress on. In my mind - I'd say she's a ten.

"Only by you." I replied, sending her a sweet smile. She returned the smile and sat beside me.

"Hi, i'm Lexi." she told me as she stuck her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Luke." I shook her hand for a few seconds then pulled back.

"Shit, I forgot my bag in my car." she sighed. "I could, um, buy you a drink?" I offered, half smiling.

"I wouldn't want to use your money." she said sternly. "No, I insist." I told her as I waved my hand in the air so the bartender would see me.

((a/n: ive never been to a bar so idk how things work so yeah))

He noticed and came over. "Another beer for the pretty lady." I told him and handed him the money. He nodded and grabbed a beer and handed it to Lexi.

"Thank you, Luke. You really didn't have to do that, though." Lexi said as she opened the beer. "You're welcome and honestly, it's not a problem." I told her.


A couple beers later, Lexi and I were dancing on the dance floor with no shame.

She showed me how to do the "milk the cow dance" and the "shopping cart dance". ((a/n: my two fave dance moves bc im swag))

I found out that I was correct about her age and that she lives in the apartments a few blocks from here.

"Luke," Lexi grabbed my hand. "L-Let's go." she said loudly into my ear.

"Go where?" I whined. "I'm having a blast here!"

"T-To my apartment, silly." she giggled as she danced her way over to the seats we sat at - at the bar.

"Lexiiiiiii," I yelled, following after her. "Aliyah isn't gunna like that." I poked her nose and giggled.

"Who is Aliyah?" she slurred as she tried to bite my finger. "She's my baby girl." I laughed.

"Aliyah will have to deal with not seeing you tonight then." Lexi told me and grabbed my hand, taking me over to the exit.

We walked out of the club and onto the sidewalk. "Where's your car?" I asked, looking around.


I turned around, seeing Aliyah running down the sidewalk.

"Oh! Lexi, that's my baby girl!" I laughed and pointed to Aliyah running.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I turned to Lexi.  Lexi shook her head. "Is she coming to my house, too?" she asked.

"Luke, i've been looking everywhere for you!" Aliyah spoke as she stood infront of Lexi and I.

"Really? Well, i've been in the club and made a friend. Aren't you proud?" I slurred, taking a piece of Aliyah's hair and twirling it.

"You're drunk," Aliyah laughed. "Who's your friend?"

"I'm Lexi!" Lexi yelled and tackled Aliyah into a hug. 

Aliyah hugged back then lightly pushed her off. "Where are you two headed?" Aliyah asked.

"To my apartment." Lexi giggled and poked my hips. "Luke was gunna put his hips to work."

Aliyah's eyes widen. "Is that so?" she turned to look at me. "You were gunna cheat on me?"

My eyes matched Aliyah's as I realized what she asked. "Of course not!"

Aliyah rolled her eyes at me. "Lexi, were you and Luke going to have sex?" she asked her.

"Ew," Lexi laughed. "Dick is gross, I like girls."

Aliyah's eyes widen again. "Oh, oh. Then what did you mean when you said Luke was gunna put his hips to work?"

Lexi put her hand on Aliyah's shoulder. "Honey, I meant that I was gunna teach him a few dance moves."


"I can't believe you thought I was going to cheat on you." I told Aliyah as we cuddled on my bed.

"It looked like you were, sorry. But more important, why did you leave all pissed off?" she replied as she traced hearts with her fingers on my chest.

"Can we talk about that tomorrow?" I sighed. "I just want to enjoy this."


"I love you, Aliyah. Only you." I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, Luke. Only you."


idk what kind of shit ending of the chapter that was

who am i kidding that whole chapter was shit

this story is shit

anyway where can i by luke hemmings like i even googled it no joke

and other thing how does one become funny

ok i like the color blue its pretty

that was random but im all excited bc my sister is getting pizza and piZZA IS MY FSVITITE IM JSUW REALTYWO HAOOTY

idk what language that was ok

hope you liked this stoopid chapter bc i didnt

bye (:

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