t h a n k y o u a l l (:

13.8K 224 18

this is it omg

Pregnant By Luke Hemmings has came to a end.

i'm so surprised by how many reads and votes this has gotten i am so thankful as well.

when i first wrote this, i thought "oh great, since i have no life i might as well write a story that nobody will read."

i guess i was wrong. you guys are the best and i cant thank you enough for taking time out of your day to read this story

i also wanna thank the voters and the people who commented, you guys gave me the confidence to keep writing this

so thank you so fucking much (: you're all rad ✌

anyway, i'm also writing a new story that's called 'Secretly Pregnant By Ashton Irwin' and it would mean alot if you checked it out.  the first part is up (:

again, thank you all so much. Ily and always remember that you're beautiful and worth it.

I'm out ✌

✖ Leah❤ 

Pregnant By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now