2 - no one else

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(kinda but not really nsfw warning)

"which one do you want, jason?" my mother asked me, holding out two different candies.

"i'll take the one thalia doesn't want." i reply innocently.

thalia elbowed me. "it's your birthday, dummy. you get to choose." i had just turned four.

i glance at my dad, who looked up from his desk. "he's a gentleman! that'll get him far in life!"

thalia rolled her eyes and nudged me. "go on. choose the one you want."

nervously, i took a piece of candy.

"see? it wasn't that bad, was it?" thalia asked, but i was looking at my dad again. he was back at his work.

"s-sorry, i'm just kinda nervous-" i stuttered. god, i sound like a dork. "never done this before-"

percy looked at me, his green eyes glinting. "no pressure, we can stop-"

"no! no, please-" i said. god, jason, you are dorktastic today. "i wanna keep going." i do. i want this. i can't help the sinking feeling that i'm doing something wrong.

yet my heart's beating out of my chest and i felt myself growing warmer with every touch. i melt with every breath i can hear him draw. i wonder if he's desperately trying to breathe me in the way i'm trying to inhale him so i'd never forget the scent.

"it's okay, we can go slow." he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

his lips fluttered from my jawline, edging it's way to my lips. i could feel his tongue piercing against my lips. all the lights were off in his apartment, but the nightclub across the streets had neon lights that streamed in through the window, giving his features a blue glow. hands. his hands resting on my neck and on my sides as mine grip at his hair and the small of his back.

my heart was pounding and i could feel its pulse through every nerve ending in my body. i wonder if he could hear it and feel it too. our lips were colliding and my mind was melting. tongue. hands. heart beating. everything was on fire. the sinking feeling starts to ebb away as my mind fills with fog.

we pulled away for air and i could see him properly again, his green eyes glowing against the blue of the neon. "are you okay?" he asked breathlessly.

it's sort of cute how much he cares about me. "couldn't be better,"

our lips collide again. my hands creep up his t-shirt and i feel him shiver when i touch his bare skin. electricity shoots from my fingertips through my veins. he's real, it's real, this is real. shirt comes off. he's unbuttoning mine. his lips shift from mine back to my jaw line and my neck.

i can feel him grinning against my neck when he hears my breath hitch. that's gonna leave a mark, i think foggily. but i don't care. i'm enjoying this too much. i'm gripping his dark hair even harder. my nails are digging more into his back. i want to feel his breath on my neck and his hands against my bare chest forever.

this is so much fun, why haven't i done something like this sooner? oh right. dork.

his tongue runs against my jaw again, the silver stud on his tongue pressing against me, raising goosebumps. he looks at me. "you sure you're okay?" the look on his face is intoxicating. dark hair and bright green eyes. piercings on both ears.

"absolutely sure." i breathed.

"okay," he said, grinning. oh god, that grin. the blue lights and green eyes and the two dimples and that fucking grin.

his hands are now unbuckling my belt and unzipping my jeans so i start unzipping his. my fingers stumble with the button but i'm kissing him like i was always meant to kiss him since i was born. i'm too busy being caught up on that fucking grin to even register that i've never been with a guy and that i was nervous or that this could be dangerous because i'm not sure if i could ever get over that fucking grin.

but we made our way to the bed and this was it.

for the first time, my mind was so foggy i could finally think clearly. i do want this. no more sinking feeling. this is purely just about me and him and no one else.

how to fall in love - jercyWhere stories live. Discover now