17 - where the sea meets the sky

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"i'd give you the world," i told him over the phone. i was laying on my back  on my bed, staring at how the bright red lights from the club dimly flashed into my dark room. i felt the words run from my chest and throat and through my lips, without getting caught by my teeth. free.

"don't. leave some for yourself." jason said, i could almost hear him smiling through the phone.

"like how?"

"we can split the world." jason suggested.

"what, like you take africa, i'll take south america?" i asked quizzically.

"hmm. that doesn't sound very romantic out loud." jason mused.

"how about i take the sea?"

"then i'd like the sky," jason said. "but what about the earth?"

"leave it for the rest of them." i suggested.

"yeah, we basically own the water cycle. you give me water and i'll rain it back down." jason said.

"then i'd give you all the water in the sea."

"you're being irresponsible with your water spending," jason reprimanded.

"you are worth every drop of it,"

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