18 - cheese

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"i die a little every day, waiting for this call." i confess to him over the phone during our nightly call. "it's like talking to you is my whole life and everything i do during the day is just nonsense in between. i die everyday and then i revive once i hear your voice again."

"that's the cheesiest thing i've heard in my life," percy teased.

i scoffed. "says the dude who said 'i'd give you the world,' what kinda lovey dovey bullshit is that?"

percy laughed. i closed my eyes and imagined what he looks like right now. probably in bed with his phone next to him with earbuds in his ears. "i love cheese." percy says finally. "i love it when you're cheesy."

"i'll do it more often, then," i joked. "i love you to the moon and back-"

"oh, stop,"

"if kisses were snowflakes, i'd send you a blizzard,"


"are you a broom? because you sweep me off my feet,"

"okay, that's enough cringe," percy laughed. we sat in silence for a while, neither of us having anything to say. percy finally spoke up. "not to be cheesy, but all i think about during the day is what i'm gonna tell you when we call but when we do, i never tell you what i was planning on telling you because i get so carried away with talking to you and i forget."

"not to be cheesy but i love it when you ramble on and on. and you always get carried away when you tell a story and we'd be on a completely different topic before you finish the last one. your thought process is so spontaneous and erratic as if your thoughts are racing each other. i feel honored to be a part of it and hear it happen in real time." i say since we're sharing cheesy confessions.

percy laughs, but continues. "not to be cheesy, but it's terrifying how much i've fallen for you in such a short amount of time. i'd die for you in a heartbeat."

my heart stopped. "not to be cheesy, but i'd never let you. ever." because the thought of a world without percy jackson seemed unimaginable, even it was only months before that i had no idea the guy even existed. now, i'm unsure what'd the world would be like without him. i feel like it would just end right then and there. the earth would stop spinning and the sun would go out. the world will plunge into frozen, cold darkness. just thinking about it made my chest hurt. "not to be cheesy, but i'd never want to live in a world without you."

"wow, we've got it bad, huh?" percy mused, sounding almost scared.

not saying that i need him, but without him, i'm not sure what i'd do with myself. and the fact that he feels the same? that's a little concerning. "yeah. we really do."

how to fall in love - jercyWhere stories live. Discover now