9 - unexpected

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the diner was bustling as usual. plates of hot food went in and out of the kitchen. old, fifties music played in the background of the chatter and sounds of silverware. the smell of coffee and bacon filled the air.

jason and i were seated in a booth by the window and took turns asking questions.

"what's with the nails?"

i looked at my nails that were messily painted black. "my little sister insisted she do my nails."


i laughed. "she's only six. she's my inspiration. what about you, grace? any siblings?"

"i have an older sister named thalia. she took care of me since i could remember." jason answered, fidgeting with his napkin. "okay, the piercing. how much did it hurt?" jason asked, putting down the napkin.

"thith thone?" i asked with my tongue out. jason nodded and i put my tongue back in my mouth. "the piercing itself wasn't that bad. it was the upkeep that was a pain in the ass. couldn't suck dick for months."

jason took a long sip out of his water. "glad i met you when i did, then," he joked.

i laughed, feeling my ears turn pink. "my turn. you don't have any piercings or tattoos, do you?"

the corner of his mouth twitched. "just one. me and my sister have a matching tattoo."

my interest peaked. "where?" and how did i not see it when he was naked in my room?

"lightning bolt. on my ankle. when we were little, we loved thunderstorms. like, we were obsessed with them. we'd play outside in the pouring rain and the lightning." he explained.

"that's so sweet," i say in awe. i guess i don't look at guys' ankles when i fuck them. it made me wish i had a sibling closer to my age. but then again, i'm not sure if i'd want another kid to go through what i did.

"my turn. what are your hobbies? what do you do for fun?" jason asked. back to the basic questions, it seems.

i thought about it. "i... play guitar sometimes. not very well, i admit. i skateboard whenever i can. and i cook, i guess."

"i envy you. you're so interesting." jason sighed.

"so are you!" i retorted.

"i don't do much of anything."

"i don't believe that. maybe your interests aren't as common or obvious as mine. doesn't mean they're not interests. in fact, i think that's more fascinating."

"it's just you, then," he grumbled.

"maybe," i say, smiling and propping my elbows on the table. "tell me what you do throughout the day."

"i go to work-"

"no. not that, the small stuff. what do you do between those moments?"

"...i take, like, 5,000 showers when i'm nervous. i, uh, collect soaps. it's really lame, i know-"

"it's not."

"...i also collect coins. old coins. see, i'm boring."

"are you kidding me? you have a secret tattoo and you collect soap and coins! i skateboard and play guitar, every gay dude who looks like me does that. you could look at me and guess i skate and play guitar. but you? you're so unexpected. i'll never get enough of you." i tell him.

jason smiled a little, his cheeks turning pink. i'm addicted to how his face looks. he's looking down at him plate, flustered, and smiling to himself. "never heard anyone call me unexpected before."

"never met anyone who collected soaps before."

just face was nearly as pink as it was the night i fucked him. i almost giggled at how blushy he was getting.

"i'm being honest, jason," i said. "you don't have to prove that you're interesting or uninteresting. i already think you are."

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