13 - in too deep

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knock knock knock

gee, i wonder who it could be.

i missed him, but i wonder what was wrong. as much as i want my dick in him, i was concerned on what happened.

i opened the door and he immediately grabbed my waist and kissed me hard enough for my soul to leave my body and enter it again.

"eager, are we?" i asked, grinning and gasping for breath. if this is what suffocating to death feels like, i'd die every day.

"i've missed you so much." he mumbled in my ear before closing the door on his way in. his hands wrapped around my waist and pushed me back against a wall. he kissed me like his life depended on it.

"are you okay?" i asked breathlessly, pulling away for air.


he had his thigh between my legs, against my crotch. his lips moved down my jaw line and to my neck. i snaked my hand under his shirt and dug my nails into his back. i could feel his breath on my neck as he made his way towards my collar, leaving marks wherever he went.

"holy shit," i found myself muttering as i squirmed against his thigh, my jeans feeling tighter and tighter. holy shit indeed. i could hardly hear myself, but i know i wasn't being quiet.

neither was he. my heart skipped at every breath hitch, moan, or "yeah," i could get out of him. the sounds of his voice roared in my ears like music.

i got his shirt off and pushed him towards the bedroom and took mine off.

i fumbled with his belt as he easily slid my grey sweatpants off me. his body touching my bare skin felt so perfect that i wasn't sure if i could ever part from him the next day. his back was covered with red marks made by my fingernails. my neck and collarbone were painted with dark hickeys.

he kissed me feverishly as my mind started to melt. i was floating somewhere else now. with every kiss, every brush of tongue, my heart thumped faster as every touch became fire on my skin.

he drew away for breath, his chest rising and falling as if he just ran a marathon. his eyes fluttered open and he just looked at me. everything was still and he just stared at me. his pale face was flushed red, but his blue eyes looked so serious.

"jason?" i asked. "hello?"

"you're gorgeous." he said finally, his voice sounding distant and breathless. i grinned.

"you're so cheesy." i teased, pushing him on the bed. i tug off his briefs. "i've never fucked anyone quite like you." i marveled at the red lines i left on his back.

i was soaking this up like crazy. his skin felt so good against mine. his tongue felt like electricity against my mouth. with every breath, i was breathing in his scent and storing it in a little bottle in my brain so i'd never forget. and i wasn't just fucking a gay blonde dude i met at a bar. i was fucking jason grace, not a stranger.

this was so much different from our first time. i've done this many times before but i know him now. i there's something there that wasn't before. i knew his insecurities and fears. i knew how he thought and what he feels.

at that moment i realized, i was in too deep. it will hurt like a bitch when i fall.

i let my hand run through his hair and against his back.

"is this what you want?" i ask.


my heart exploded.

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