Chapter 2

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I had my head down and had tears in the corner of my eyes. He was yelling at me, because I asked for money. But I wasn't going to waste like that. I just asked him to help me pay for my studies and dorm, since the school had dorms I decided it was best for me to live there.
"I-I just wa-want you to help me p-pay for my studies and dorm," I said back still looking down. I felt something stab me, but It technically wasn't like a stab. The broken prices that was once a bottle, now scattered. Red dripping from me. The scream I now let out. There tears that rain down my cheeks. "Clean it up!!" I quickly drop myself and pick everything up. I picked at all up as fast I could, but the redness was now blurring my eyesight from it's mixture with tears. The way everything around me was all mixed up. The way the whole setting was, they was I felt darkness take over, but it was too late for help. For now I am out.


The lights were all coming back. It was still kind of blurry yet I was scared. I didn't want to wake up and see clearly. I wanted to stay like this forever, in a darkness.
"Hey kid, your awake?" The blurriness was now more clearly. "Y-yeah?" It was clear, "Um where am I?" I tired to sit up but I felt a really sharp pain shoot through my head. "Shshshs stay down." I lay myself down again. I was in this room, it had a baby blue colored wall, the window had lights seeping through them. The monitors were beeping, I was in a hospital.
"How did I end up here?" I ask.
"Your father came in running with you in his arms. He says you fell off the stairs and a case fell on you once you hit the drawers." I blink in confusion on what she said. "Say what now?"
She just smiles and removes the bandages on my head. "Well I'm going to have you stay here for a while to make sure how deep the cut is, for stitches." I nod. She cleans up and frowns a little, "You have several cuts, but their not very deep." I frown. "Will I get stitches?"
"Yes, but they won't be much so don't worry." I nod slightly. The doctor left and from outside the door I heard yelling. "WHAT!? SO YOU FUCKING MEAN!? YOU CANT SAVE MY FATHER!?" The yell wasn't from any person I know and it definitely wasn't from doctor.
I slowly get out of the hospital bed a walk towards the door, and looked out the small window. I could see a boy and a nurse. The boy had ash blonde hair. He sounded very angry. I then see him switch his glare on to me. His eyes, they were a crimson red. I remembered those eyes. He's the dude that dude that told me to get out of the way. His eyes were yelling, "What the hell are you looking at" I flinched a little. His eyes were devouring and beautiful. He looked away and I went back to my bed.

Later, the nurse came back and started to do it thing. It really Did hurt a lot. After she was gone I still up and went to the bathroom, I entered and saw myself in the mirror. My skin looked more feeble then usual. I looked down at my hands, I turned the water on and let the water run, I looked at myself again in the mirror and this time I wanted to cry, I looked terrible, ugly, and weak. No wonder the man would want me to die. I should die. Yeah I should die. I kept the water running and looked at the my reflection, it was disgusting. I couldn't help but grab someone and bang it against the mirror, I saw it crack and saw how I had little pieces of glass around the sink. I picked one up and saw it pierce my skin, I saw it how it went across my skin, leaving a red trace left. I saw myself in the mirror again. I hate myself.
Al of a sudden the door opens revealing a suprised nurse. "Oh my God! Are you okay? So you need help?" I ignore her and looked down at my arms, that were kinda covered in red. She looked at my arms and pulled me straight to my bed. I pulled back, "Please don't touch me." She looked at me concerned. "I'm scared," I mumbled. I don't know if she heard me but she said, "Your safe. No one is going to hurt you here." I looked up at her I felt small. I walk towards the hospitality bed and she touches my arm. I felt my heart beat go faster. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. She started wiping off the blood with a wet cloth. It's was warm and wet.
After she did that I pulled my arm back that had bandages wrapped around it. And sat there in silence. I wonder when I'm going back?


Hours passed by and I saw a figur,,e come closer. I looked up slightly and saw the man, I call father.
Such father I have, fucking rapist.
I slowly get out of bed and changed. I felt like I was in hell, the man was waiting for me outside the doors. The doors of hell.
I walk out and he was waiting for me. We walk towards the car and I stumble on my way. I don't want to go.  I take a glance around and I see a ash blonde. He was with someone a man, he had light brown hair and was in a wheelchair. I frowned. Poor man. I go into the car and we drive off. I was soon good to start a new life at school, guess I have to work since my stupid father won't help me. I sigh a little and we drive off.


Once I got home I went straight to my room. H didn't say anything today. Days went by and he hasn't said anything. But the same fear kept going, cause what if he was going to take me by surprise? I was never ready for that.
I looked at my hair, it was still black, it looked boring. I looked boring...
Red, wonder if red matches me? So I actually tried it out. I dyed my hair and I actually looked pretty good. I looked out the window and sighed, my new life was now going to start.


YEET I hope your enjoying this fanfic U-U cause I'm paranoid that I'm doing this whole thing wrong...

I hope you enjoyed and if you liked it don't forget to vote or whatever.



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