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5 years later

Author POV

And there was the two boys, making their way to a bubble tea shop with a chaotic girl.

The boys with different tastes and stories.

From a raped victim with a bad phobia and confusion, to a boy who is learning to trust.

From a boy who had a harsh time accepting who he was and having the most supporting person leave him, to a boy who finds someone he loves.

"Wow who knew we'd end up like this.." Kirishima muttered as he looked out the window.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Yeah, I'm so glad highschool is over. That place was hell."

"You only say that because you had to attend summer school like 2 times with Kaminari."

"You know me so well," Bakugou responded.

They grabbed their drinks and walked out the store.
Waving goodbye to their friend.

"Let's go take a walk down the beach," Bakugou requested.

"Sure," the other responded.

They walked down the shore hand in hand. Enjoying the presence of each other. The soft sound of waves crashing into each other. To the soft feeling of sand under their shoes.

The children running around and the crabs waddling around.

The obvious scent of peaches from Kat mixing with Kirishima's strawberry one.

"Remember when you told me you knew I was lying about my feelings?" Asked Kirishima.

Katsuki hummed, "Yeah, and you responded saying I was very honest too."

"Haha yep! That day I knew you were someone I'd probably like."

"I just thought you were weird."

"Hey!" Kirishima whined and hit his arm, "Ah look the sun's going down."

They turned to the sun, as it slowly went down.
The colors that splashed the sky, like some canvas. The red, yellow, orange, blue, pink, that mixed together in a beautiful way. Something ethreal that appealed the eyes of the two.

Soon those skies would turn to a whole new story, a sky so dark that shows the brightest lights. Stars, cause everyone knows that without darkness the brightest stars wouldn't shine.

And that was what each of them were to each other. Their brightest stars.

No matter how dark their past was, they were the only thing that stuck out.


"Yeah?" Kirishima responded looking at Kat.

Bakugou kneed down and looked at him.

"This is so cliché but honestly I don't I've a single shit! But I'm only doing this because I truly do love you... So uh would you be the yee to my haw?"

The both of them burst out laughing.

"You're so cute, yes I will be the yee to your haw idiot."

The two shared a small kiss and headed back up the beach.

"Kat you should chew some gum your breathe stANK!"

"Omigod what's up with you saying I stink!"

"Sounds like a you problem sweetie!"

"Be quiet you're head looks like a urchin or maybe even a hedgehog."

"Yah don't be so mean!"

"Either ways I love you."

"I love you too."



It's done, thank you for all the support seriously wow :( <3

Also this may be the last chapter but your Author aka me will make a special Chapter so dw :>

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