Chapter 9

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Kirishima's POV-

April 25, 2XXX

I feel more different y'know? I see Kaminari and all I can do is blush, I see Bakugou, and all I can do is wonder, he's a mystery... And I wanna know more about him. If he let me closer to him.
"Hey Kirishima," said Kaminari as he flung his arm around me. I flinched a little and squeezed my fists. Let me go.
"H-hi," I respond.
"You okay?"
I nod, "Yeah I'm good." But to be honest I wasn't. I was still wondering what Bakugou meant by "why are you like this" he probably won't tell me ever.
As I slide Kaminari's arm around I turn his way and I look at him. He looked so pretty, his eyes were dazing. His cheeks were pink, and all I could do was smile. "Let's go back to class."
He nods and follows me, on my way I see Midoriya hugging Uraraka. I raise a brow.
Wouldn't Bakugou be mad? She really needs to watch what she's doing.

I walked by them and Uraraka and me locked eyes. As she looked like she had been heartbroken. She looked like she has been crying for days now. Her eyes were puffy. She raised a brow and I blinked a couple times.
"Oh I wanted to ask, why is your hair like that?" I felt a lightbulb lit up as I smiled. "Oh! Well I wanted to try out a new style and I very much like this one haha," I say as I out my hands behind my back.
"Ah, cool. I think it looks great." He smiles as we continued our way.
"Thanks," I muttered. I look back and see Uraraka smiling with Midoriya. Is she really not noticing what she's doing?

As I was arriving to my next class Mina came out of nowhere getting dragged along by Sero.
"Mina what the hell-"
"What the actual fuck." said Kaminari and I, as we saw her and Sero. She stood up and cleared her throat. "Um, we're doing something, science related?"
I give her a dead blank stare. "Well that's great! You should totally count me in," Kaminari said as he flung his arms around them both.
Kaminari I'm sorry but how stupid are you-
"Um, yeah. You can totally come with us-"
"Great!" Kaminari cheered and they started walking away. I stood there with a "you're kidding me" face.

"Move it fuck face, you're in my way." I could recognized the voice anywhere.
"I'm not that fat, walk around me"
"Whatever," Bakugou muttered as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He seemed a little different today.
Is it Uraraka? Did he see what she did?

I followed behind and look from behind at him. The sunlight was flowing in, and all you could see was the afternoon sun rays reflecting off him, making his skin look warm and smooth. His hair looking soft. All I could do was whisper.


I felt my insides churn. Did I say that at loud?

He looked over to me and glared I silently went to my seat, which was in front of his. I waited for the others to arrive. But all I could feel was a soft aura behind me. The sun rays coming through the windows, hitting my face. Felt warm and cozy. I smiled a bit as I let my head rest on the desk.
My eyes closed and I felt slumber take over.



"Eijirou! Wake up! Get ready were leaving."



My eyes opened and I felt a wave of coldness go over me. Words were repeating in my head.




I couldn't help but squeeze my hands and lay my head down.

"I'm sorry mom.."


As I try paying attention to class, I couldn't stop thinking about earlier. I felt goosebumps on my shoulders and I sighed.
"Kirishima, plz tell me the quadratic formula of -9x+10x²+8=14."
I stood up and felt dumbfounded. "Uh- it's uh."
"It's X=9/20+1/20 √321." Said the voice behind me.
"Bakugou please don't answer for your classmate," the teacher said, "sit down Kirishima." I nodded as I sat down and muttered thanks. All I got back was a grunt. I looked down at my arms as I felt bad. Then I decided to push it off my chest and continue with class. I couldn't be a downer. Not now, he had to stay positive.

As the bell ring for class dismissal. I walked out and plastered a smile one my face.
"Shitty hair," said a voice. I didn't really know it was me they were talking about cause soon I feel someone hands on my shoulder. "Are you deaf? I'm talking to you dumbass."
I shivered a little and he moved his hand away quite hesitated. "Sorry, I thought you were talking to someone else."
"Who else here has a shitty hair style like your?"
I tried not taking the insult serious and I laughed. "I mean your hair is pretty weird too, you remind me of some angry Pomeranian."
Bakugou's cheeks were now red. Anger I'm guessing.
"Shut up asswipe," the ash blonde boy muttered.
A slight laugh came out my mouth as I finally asked.
"What do you want anyways?"

Bakugou stood there and then said, "Did my little sister ever talk to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"She told you something when I was hurrying back home, she looks like me..."

I stayed quiet and started thinking. Little girl?

"Your okay now, don't cry."

I smiled. "Yeah, I remember."
"Oh, because I knew I saw you from somewhere, and the little brat wouldn't stop nagging me about how she wanted to go back to see you."

"Heh, she must like me," I say softly.
"She does. She draws a lot, and she she showed me a drawing of a boy with red hair."

I couldn't help but laugh.
"Shut up dumbass, I just want you to fucking see her one time so she can shut the hell up."

"Wow, that's r00d."
"Do you think I give a fuck?"


"Well then, just tell me when your free or whatever."

"On Saturday I am."



I got my dumb phone tooken away for a month, so I just now had time to finish my shit ;-;

I srsly apologize tho..

And I'll try to post again soon tHaTs a pRoMisE


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