Chapter 14

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Side ships... There's just 1
Look, they really aren't gonna show up much. The side ship is, IzuOcha that's it! THERE WON'T BE MUCH OF THEM AFTER ALL THIS IS KIRIBAKU!!1!
I'll explain later into the story why I only plan on having one gay ship. And one straight ship.

Also this is unedited so there will be grammar errors so- don't be rude with me about it thx <3

I woke up, Bakugou wasn't there anymore. I frown a bit, then I cover my face up as I remember holding onto him while sobbing. I'm such a baby oh my God.
I got up, it was really late. Like very late. Like, the nurse wasn't in the room and the sun was starting to go down late. Why did no one wake me up what the hell- and they call themselves teachers. I shake my head as I get out quietly and jump out the bed, running straight to my locker. I needed to get to my dorm to fix stuff up.

Making my way to my dorm, I felt uncomfortable. The surrounding wasn't screaming, oh it's a calm afternoon. It was more of a, watch out feeling. I shivered just thinking that. I looked around, the trees were moving lightly along with the wind. Making my way to my dorm I saw some of my classmates, and I also saw Kaminari.

"Kaminari!" I yelled to get the yellow blonde's attention. He looked over and smiled, he then ran up to me.
"Nothing much, just wanted to say hi, also still kinda wanna apologise for when I slapped your hand away."
"Oh- oh it's cool, uh.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable bro."
Yeah, "bro" we're just "bros"

Entering my room I felt weird. The feeling hasn't left and it made me nauseous. I decided to just shower and drop in bed while wearing a big ass baby blue hoodie and a pair of boxers, and just slept.


"Eijirou!" My father's yells went throughout the house. I scrambled to my closet, trying to hide myself. My black bangs sticking on my forehead from sweating out of nervousness. My heartbeat going fast, my breathe going off slowly.

"Eijirou Kirishima!!" His voice boomed as he slammed the closet door open, beer bottle in one hand. "You little Fucking-"


My eyes bolted open, I sighed and walked out my room. The hallways were quiet. "What are you doing shitty hair?"
I slightly jump at the sudden sound, slowly turning around I see Bakugou. I started patting my messy hair down to its natural state, and cleared my throat looking at him as serious as I could. "N-nothing." I stuttered. I slowly pulled my hoodie down, trying to hide the fact I wasn't wearing any pants.

Bakugou looked unbothered but his cheeks were pink, but his face was screaming, "You must've forgotten" and honestly, he did, but he remembered once more he saw Bakugou. His thoughts were then clouded with what happened earlier.
The way Bakugou's hands cared for him, the way his arms holded him. The way Bakugou's hands went around his waist and the way he calmed him down. His eyes looking all soft, his voice being charming.

I blushed just thinking about it. "Why so red?" Bakugou asked I only felt myself getting more red.
"nOtHiNG i-"
Bakugou started walking passed me, but I stopped him. "Hey about earlier." Kirishima looked down but slowly looked up and saw the tips of Bakugou's ears being red.
"It was nothing, just didn't like seeing someone crying like a baby."
"Hey! I'm not a baby!" I pouted while playing with my sleeves. Bakugou looked at me and then looked to the side.

"You should sleep it's late," he mumbled.
"I'm not that sleepy," I lied, in reality I just wanted to learn more about him.
"Uh huh sure, I believe you lil cu- Kiri."
I blushed at the nickname. "K-kiri?"
"I said nothing now go to sleep," he started as he pushed me into my room.
"But you clearly-" I said ignoring the fact he was touching me. It didn't really bother me, he proved the point he wouldn't hurt me again.
"Sh-shut up!" Bakugou stuttered as he went to the dorm next to mine.

"Oh we're neighbors :0!"
"Yeah idiot, now goodnight."
He closed the door and I was left there  with a big smile. Bakugou is such a softy, yet he acts like a total badass.

Bakugou's POV

I closed the damn door and instantly slapped my red cheeks. Bakugou you stupid bitch you don't blush at boys.

Yet you kissed Deku.

And you couldn't help but stare at Shitty hair's thighs.

And let's not forget you haven't been attracted to a boy in a while.

I felt like dying, cause instead of helping myself and building up my damn confidence I was drowning myself with guilt. It's wrong, it's wrong liking or just getting flustered by a boy.
"You're straight," I say, "as a Fucking circle oh my Lord..."

"Yah stop talking to yourself," I grumble as I through myself into my bed. I had to leave my mom's home after what happened with my father. It was hard, but we had to get over stuff eventually. In the end we'll all loose something/someone important to us. It's a way of life, that's what I've learned throughout my life.

I turned and faced the white ceiling, all I could think about was the stupid red head. The way he looked like a literal baby, not going to lie, he did look like a cutie in that big ass baby blue hoodie. But of course why would I say that out loud, that's gay.

I looked into the corner of my room, I brought a keyboard so I wouldn't get bored any time any day. Maybe... I should start playing the piano again. I sighed and closed my eyes. Tomorrow was gonna be a weird day and I'm not excited.



I woke up with a sudden banging against my door. I looked at my clock it was 8:55am. Shit I'm late.
I got ready opened the door and there was a girl with brown long hair, the girl that confessed to me in a fucking school corner.
"The hell do you want?"
Before I knew it she had her lips against mine.


Soooooo uh

Yeah :D

I don't really know what to say apart from uh, thanks for all the support I've been getting. My writing style might change at times and I apologise it's just me ig?

Also wanted to note that your comments (only the good ones) make me wanna continue!

Honestly, I'm very very very thankful! <3333333

~Suga Cookies

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