Chapter 18

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Kirishima's POV

I'm currently stalking Kat.

Yes I know that sounds weird.

But like.. he cute? Like in a bro way.

Don't judge me.

"Kiri what's up with you-"

"Shut up Mina!" I hushed as I dragged her down with me. I was crying inside cause she kind if stepped in my foot.

"Katsuki is cute..." I mumble to myself as I see the older crack his hands. Wow hot..

"Ah, so has my Kiri finally moved on?"
I gulp, "I guess you could say that... I'm dumb to cry over some idiot."
"You can say that again," she giggles.

I avoided Kaminari cause I wasn't upset or anything, I just didn't want it to be awkward. As I made my way to class I passed Jirou who seemed to be pushing Kaminari off. What the fuck?

"Kaminari stop before someone sees."

"You know you like it baby," he said back.

Jirou was blushing but she also seemed uncomfortable.

"Did you not hear her? Get away dude," I snarked. Bakugou must've rubbed off on me a bit.

"Who are you to say?"

I felt angry, not only was I trying to avoid him, he was now giving me attitude. His whole damn perspective changed cause of one sentence I said.

"Your friend? What are you? Retarded?"

I know the word has a bad history with people, but in this case, Kaminari was being retarded.

"Shut up fairy."

I felt my insides boil at what he said.

"Shut the fuck up dunce face."

A low voice was heard behind me and the aura was horrible.

It was threatening.

"How about no! I bet you're his boyfriend!"

I felt like crying, what was so different about him? He was so nice to me when we first started, and now that it's been around 4 months he's being a complete bitch!

"Kaminari what the hell is wrong with you?"


I cut him off, "You were so nice to me and we were so close, but once you figured about me you want to throw me away as if I'm a toy!"

Kaminari stayed quiet.

"Tell me! What makes me so different from before! What is so disgusting from me!? I'm a human just like you, but you're just an ignorant piece of shit!"

And with that I ran off with hot tears streaming down my face.

"Kiri wait!" It was Bakugou.

I looked at him and his face looked upset.

I tried to cover my face as I continue crying, then I felt a pair of arms to go around me. "Baby Don't cry.."

I blushed as I giggled.

"Why are you so sweet to me?"

"I don't know, maybe cause your special."


My chapters are shorter now, cause I'm close to finishing soon but don't worry it's still going for a bit. Sorry for my lack of updates :|

-Suga Cookies

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